contest was today.
congrats to aqua for...was that best in show? not entirely sure because anime sushi 4channed the catagory names :/
great success

. creepy, like you said (btw, the rat on a stick part made a me lol. broke up the mood for me just for a moment)
also, unlimited for winning best action with his karas video. that was the shit

(despite your audio choice :p )
this was the worst amv contest i've attended to date.
last year was pretty bad with the 6 or 7 advent children amvs. wasn't this bad though.
this year, they struggled with "technical difficulties". after vlc crashed once, they switched to wmp, which was more problematic. there were like 5 crashes (at least) and about half an hour worth of delays.
(how does i shot vlc?)
did they even get to show the drama winner?
the first 6 or so videos were really horrible newbie videos, including some eva vid where scenes kept getting re-used, and some inuyasha vid that i couldn't even see.
like a quarter of the room was gone before they showed a good video.
it actually made me so sick of amvs for the day, i skipped out on the dub contest and aqua's amv panel (sorry, how did it go?)
bahh, and i'll probably even enter next year despite it all
at least anime sushi is nice to deal with unlike metrocon
edit: oh ya, and rozard showed up. talked to him in the dealers room
KioAtWork: I'm so bored. I don't have class again for another half hour.
Minion: masturbate into someones desk and giggle about it for the remaining 28 minutes