But I like Katsura better for uh, obvious reasons...
"Strength lies in action. Let the weak react to me..." - Kamahl, Pit Fighter from Magic: the Gathering
"That is a mistake many of my enemies make. They think before they act. I act before I think!" - Vortigern from Merlin ('98)
"I AM REBORN!" - Dark Schneider Bastard!! OAV
we did NOT need to see that man's crack through his shorts...
"Strength lies in action. Let the weak react to me..." - Kamahl, Pit Fighter from Magic: the Gathering
"That is a mistake many of my enemies make. They think before they act. I act before I think!" - Vortigern from Merlin ('98)
"I AM REBORN!" - Dark Schneider Bastard!! OAV
The anime is SO BORING. It's not even worth watching all that NOTHING HAPPENS just for the awesome gory drama ending... Not to mention that the damn studio will probably choose Katsura to have her happy/batshit ending
Dude, this is the type of anime that rewards patience especially since those " bloody bad endings" were pretty rare among the other numerous endings. And besides, don't you like to see a romance being slowly train wrecked? I heard episodes 4 and 5 really stepped it up.