AMV spotlight

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Re: AMV spotlight

Post by hasteroth » Sun May 09, 2010 10:08 am

:aimkissyface: :aimkissyface: :aimkissyface:
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Re: AMV spotlight

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Sun May 09, 2010 11:23 am

I got the "of the week" part. The turnover question still stands though (you might notice the current top 10 only has one video from this year).

EDIT - looked through a few months worth of weeks. Yea, there's definitely a wide range of VCA finalists and big names from years gone by. Lots of stuff that has it's own inertia.
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Re: AMV spotlight

Post by AaronAMV » Sun May 09, 2010 1:35 pm

:ying: :aimkissyface:

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Re: AMV spotlight

Post by Panky » Sun May 09, 2010 3:28 pm

Guys, you can all see the AMV, even logged in, the following PAGE.

I always thought there was some kind of rejection to streaming videos to outsiders (well, non-registered users in this case). I don't know if it was because that would make it more youtube-esque. But this is a good change for giving more life to the main pages, getting more exposition and reception to new AMV's. I like it.
mirkosp wrote:
BasharOfTheAges wrote:It's the top 10 star-scale vids then? (excluding MEPs)

What's the turnover like on those?
Top 10 star-scale vids of the week, but only vids under 10 mins show up. If no vid is short enough in the top 10, then it searches in the top 20, etc.

Also lol, new emoticon? Is doki having fun? :aimkissyface:
Really :aimkissyface:. That's some bizarre-looking emoticon. But good job on the things you're doing lately doki :up:

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Re: AMV spotlight

Post by dokidoki » Sun May 09, 2010 6:08 pm

I'm surprised at how quickly this got posted (less than 2.5 hours after I enabled it), but I guess that's because I have a bookmark to the members main page and rarely see the homepage.
LittleAtari wrote:Now i just need to start visiting the login page more... or would it be possible to put that in the main members page also and just have it be a collapsible notice ?
I thought about it, but Corran recently mentioned that members main has been loading more slowly recently. That would just slow it down more.
Also, as mentioned, this is meant to allow new users to sample what's available. Just go to the weekly star scale to see what'll show up there.
Panky wrote:I always thought there was some kind of rejection to streaming videos to outsiders (well, non-registered users in this case). I don't know if it was because that would make it more youtube-esque. But this is a good change for giving more life to the main pages, getting more exposition and reception to new AMV's. I like it.
This is an exception as previously noted. I implemented it after the feature was discussed at a recent mod meeting.
Panky wrote:Really :aimkissyface:. That's some bizarre-looking emoticon. But good job on the things you're doing lately doki :up:
Thanks. :)
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Re: AMV spotlight

Post by Kitsuner » Sun May 09, 2010 7:12 pm

dokidoki wrote:I'm surprised at how quickly this got posted (less than 2.5 hours after I enabled it), but I guess that's because I have a bookmark to the members main page and rarely see the homepage.
Same here. If it weren't for this thread, I'd have never found out about it.
OtakuGray wrote:Sometimes anime can branch out to a younger audience and this is one of those times where you wish children would just go die.
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Re: AMV spotlight

Post by hasteroth » Mon May 10, 2010 2:37 pm

I bookmark to the homepage
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Re: AMV spotlight

Post by Niotex » Mon May 10, 2010 5:57 pm

I called it ;|


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Re: AMV spotlight

Post by JaddziaDax » Tue May 11, 2010 2:18 pm

hmmn.. interesting O.O

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Re: AMV spotlight

Post by Otohiko » Tue May 11, 2010 3:12 pm

Could we have it on the memberpage too, perhaps? I'm always logged in so I kinda miss out on this :P
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