In spite of what I told you via PM, I...did start that project. >_<CodeZTM wrote:Please do post the beta. I will be more than happy to accept it as a backup if Cyanna decides to not complete her track.
Please don't toss it though. Not finishing it is still very very possible and that song needs some serious love. The version I have still can't be cut down gracefully (curse you modulations!) so I may send you multiple betas of varying lengths and let you choose what you want.
- A "full length" cut with the song unaltered (3:50 but about 14 seconds can be lopped off both the intro and outro if it's sandwiched between two segments). That way you can have the whole picture and tell me if you want to add anything to the cut versions (you never know).
- A "scalpel cut" keeping all the parts I think I need (2:59...again 14 seconds can be lopped off both ends)
- A "chainsaw cut" lopping off the intro and first verse completely...which admittedly makes me die a little inside and I honestly think it will hurt the segment but rules are rules.