Screwy .Org Error Messages, 504 errors, and other such fun

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operation time out error

Post by RealEmotionX » Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:29 pm

"You are now the proud owner of a screwy error message from .Org. That error message is: Operation timed out with 0 out of -1 bytes received Please report this in the forums"

umm yeah I thought I would do this...I noticed taht I couldent Confirm my video immiditely...if that helps *moves away slowly*

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Post by Kia-San » Thu Oct 20, 2005 2:19 pm

hrm ok well to be honest that is not what is showing up when I try and connect on the ftp site.. I'm not exactly sure what to punch in for address:P I've been confused. because it gives two addresses.. a short one with just and a longer one.. I've tried both and when I punch in the longer one it say to place brakets around the ftp:// the pass and username.. ect , and do I need to put something in where is says yah I'm a little bit slow at figuring this stuff out ^____^'
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Post by Flame_Alchemist514 » Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:43 pm

I am trying to uplaod my video, but this shows up:

directory empty at /usr/local/sbin/Pancake line 150, <FH> line 17.

What do I do? Please help.

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Post by CassielsSprite » Sun Oct 23, 2005 12:48 am

I too, have gotten this lovely little message:

You are now the proud owner of a screwy error message from .Org. That error message is: name lookup timed out Please report this in the forums

I was confirming my video after I watched it...I would like help but I will most likely not come back to this topic since it seems busy. So if anyone can help me out and give me advice on how to fix this, I suggest sending me a message via PMing. Thank you for your time.

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Post by Zeratul Luke » Mon Oct 24, 2005 9:49 pm

Pancake could not find your file. Are you sure you've uploaded it? If you have, please report the following error code in the forums: directory empty at /usr/local/sbin/Pancake line 150, <FH> line 17
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Post by Kariudo » Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:16 pm

Zeratul Luke wrote:Pancake could not find your file. Are you sure you've uploaded it? If you have, please report the following error code in the forums: directory empty at /usr/local/sbin/Pancake line 150, <FH> line 17
I'm just going to take a wild guess at this...
When you're uploading make sure that you upload the file, not the folder the file is in.
If that doesn't work then you might have to bring it up a couple of levels
(intstead of c/documents/my documents/my videos/amv folder/bebop amv/amv title.whatever format
consider putting the file in my documents so it doesn't have to go through all of those sub-folders)
I don't know why this sounds like it should work to me....just a hunch I guess

...just looked through all of the .org error sticky and 3 pages of site help, found nothing regarding this error, but I swear I've seen it before

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Post by VerDjR » Sun Oct 30, 2005 5:10 pm

I got this message:

" You are now the proud owner of a screwy error message from .Org. That error message is: Operation timed out with 0 out of -1 bytes received Please report this in the forums."

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i got one...

Post by Shadow_Leaper » Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:13 pm

Confirm Upload: Test Download
You are now the proud owner of a screwy error message from .Org. That error message is: name lookup timed out Please report this in the forums.

what does that mean....?? @.@

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Post by resendel » Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:07 pm

Kay i'm having problems changeing my profile pic. It won't let me change it. It just resizes the original pic that i have up every time i try. and it has nothing to do with the size or anything cause my cusin was able to upload the pics to her profile with no problems. so why won't it change for me. i hope that someone can help with this problem.

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Post by Kariudo » Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:15 pm

Hold shift and then press the refresh button in your browser.


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