thinking of doing a vegas guide. need help

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Post by bum » Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:08 am

well ive finaly got this guide at a point where its usable. ive allmost finished the beginers guide. now im just wondering what els to put in it. curently ive explained importing clips and adding them to the track view, taking parts of a clip from one event and placing it in another track, using effects and transitions, and shortening and lengthening the speed of events. anything els i should include in the beginers guide ? im thinking mabey a small paragraph on manipulating the gui by moving varios windows around but, not sure if thats raely needed in the beginers guide.

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Post by kingmob_867 » Mon Sep 27, 2004 8:15 pm

I really like where this is going I use Vegas Video 5 and I don't have the time to experiment or look through the help gudie that comes with it. Also can anyone help me with useing Boris Graffiti? I got no Idea how to use it. :?:
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Post by Masamune_X » Mon Sep 27, 2004 9:48 pm

Yea they should.I'm using one right now to make my amv.I'm taking a break making it on premiere.
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Post by bum » Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:20 pm

Masamune_X wrote:Yea they should.I'm using one right now to make my amv.I'm taking a break making it on premiere.
errr, what are you talking about ?

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Post by MadNavigator » Tue Sep 28, 2004 9:49 am


Once you learn the nuts and bolts, is Vegas as intuitive as WMM2? Once I got the hang of WMM2, I was able to crank stuff out (but now it's getting a bit boring, hence me wanting to change to Vegas).

So my question is...would your Beginner's Guide to Vegas be enough to get me started, then I can figure things out from there? Or am I going to need something more...I don't know, is the word "exhaustive" or "intensive"? But yeah...

And right now (if it means anything), I've got Vegas 4.0 chillin' in my hard drive; rarin' to go.
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Post by bum » Tue Sep 28, 2004 10:48 am

hopefully i will have a beta version of the guide up early next week. right now its just a slightly messy .doc file . but if you want, i can send you the beginers guide section. the otehr parts ive gota fix up a little.

in any case, the best way to show you how hard/easy vegas is, is by a little test i like doing.

premier pro 1.5 trial

vegas 5 trial

(yeah, your using vegas4. but most of the features in 4 are available in 5 anyway. and it works prety much the same. not rely a major upgrade for amv'ing)

download both. try them for at least a solid day each. which ever one you llike most, go with.

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Post by bum » Wed Sep 29, 2004 12:15 pm


it seems ive had less free time on my holidays than i thought. well, less free time infront of my pc :P

anyway, ive finished a guide to the 3dle plug-in , as well as an extensive guide on piano keys. so yeah, defenite release early next week, or mabey this friday or saturday if I realy work at it.

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Post by bum » Wed Oct 06, 2004 1:53 pm

ive bein bussy lately so ive had alot less time to work on the guide than i first thought. anyway, ive released the first part of the guide, the beginers section. . would love to hear what people think. anyway, il be adding new guides and posibly updating other guides every few days now. il post new updates her and in my sig.

oh and yes, i do suck at html. the page looked fine though with firefox. but if there are any errors, please tell me.

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Post by bum » Tue Oct 26, 2004 7:21 am

This thing is heavily delayed. Heavily. html problems, school issue's (i cantualy ended up studying quote a bit. well, i went to the library and tried to study but ended up mucking around with some freinds thier) and just going out alot more than i thought i would be. but anyway, ive finished (ages ago, even uploaded them two days ago, but for some reason forgot to post them till now) a small guide on scrubbing and a guide on 3D in vegas using the 3dle and shatter plugins. (yeah thier are other ways to do it, but these are the best). that guide has lots of fancy picies.

anyway, ive spent alot of the last week finishing up my latest vid (between trying to study) and the last two days trying to encode it and get the footage looking as nice as possible, but encoding VOB's takes ages (for a 4:30 video with mostly just basic transitions/piano keys takes about 50 minutes to encode into huffyuv) and when you wana get it nice and perfect then it takes longer because i allways manage to leave something out everytime i encode. But anyway, il be running around the city alot tomorow, but hopefully il get that advanced effects guide finished within the next two weeks. No more promises from now on however, im an unreliable barstard :P


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