DOKool's R2/Import/Anime Collectable Service

This forum is for informing everyone else about special deals on stuff to buy like DVDs, cheap hard drives, blank CDs on sale, etc.
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Post by lynit » Sat May 19, 2007 8:50 pm

Are you still doing this service?
If so, I'm interested.
<Stirspeare> Otohiko: You guys sure love dongs.

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Sir Gaijin Smash
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Post by dokool » Mon May 28, 2007 9:08 pm

kickass331 wrote:Can I ask for Hentai 0_0 (I probably don't want any, I just want to know if you offer that)
Sure, but I'd send it anonymously and intentionally label it child porn in the hopes of getting you arrested so that nobody here would ever have to deal with your stupidity again.

Only you, though. Anyone else can ask me for hentai and I'll do my best for them.
`Eclipse wrote:Are you still doing this service?
If so, I'm interested.
Yes, yes I am. I've been <i>very</i> slow with looking stuff up for people (for which I apologize eternally), because school is insane and I almost never have a chance to go to the stores I need to hit up.

Drop me an email on my keitai (referenced in an earlier post) and I'll see what I can do.


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