Vegas Movie Studio vs Magix Movie Edit Pro 12?

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Post by 808-buma » Sat Nov 24, 2007 5:44 pm

I think the OP meant MEP = Movie Edit Pro (which it stands for in the Magix world... while here, MEP = Multi Editor Project, and apparently you have a different one as well).

I've used Magix MEP-10 for all my videos and have not had any problem with the import size limit due to the way I make my videos:
1. rip dvds to the hd
2. use dgindex to make clips and avs files
3. convert the indexed / avs files into AVI files
4. use the AVI files to make my video

This way, I don't run into the import limit, and I don't have to scroll through the entire dvd for clips for my video. This does have a lot larger 'front end' work to be done as you have to make all those clips and convert the files, but that's the way I've done it from the beginning, so it's second nature to me now...

needless to say, I vote for Magix, but as others have said, download the trial versions of each and try them for yourself - that's the best way to find out.

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Post by JaddziaDax » Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:54 pm

he already made his decision :P


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