by Arigatomina » Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:19 pm
I watch my vids as often as I remember they exist. If I get reminded of a vid, I go watch it, fall in love again, and obsess over it till I get bored and forget it exists.
I'm horribly spoiled - I want the amv to be made for me. Mine are. They appeal to all the things I like in an amv and avoid the things I dislike. It's not an ego thing. I sometimes get the "that's so cool~" reaction, but it's over things no one but me thought was cool when I released the vid. I acknowledge and then dismiss that. I like it, I think it's cool, I'd love if someone else would have done it for me, but since no one did, I'll keep watching my own.
I rarely get the urge to improve on my favorite vids. Instead, I get the urge to do it again. I watch, I love, I think "that was so fun and it's even funner to watch, I want to do it again!" Not to do it better next time, just to recapture the original enjoyment and have twice as much fun watching with two vids in the playlist instead of one.
Some of my old vids I don't like watching because I wish I'd just break down and remake them. I get the embarrassed parent reaction and blush and wish I could remove them from public distribution. But only a few of my vids have that effect on me. Most I'm as happy with now as I was when I finished making them.