Out to Save the World

Feedback on cataloged Anime Music Videos

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Re: Out to Save the World

Post by CodeZTM » Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:09 am

I gotta say. Seeing the video transform itself into what it was I just watched? It's amazing how your mind works. Seeing all the digital effects work into each other and melding together? Hehe, my doubts and concerns seems minor compared to the final overall effect! :D

The digital effects, as per the usual Judgeholden goodness, were fun, inviting and non-distracting from the concept. Heck, the effects WERE the concept, which made the video what it was. :D Which, is what effects were meant to do! So superb work in that department!

The atmosphere of the video was thick. And I meant hat in a good way. We were living in the world of Judgeholden's television programming. Luckily, we weren't on the late night programming, but the more lighthearted side of you came out in this work, which was nice to see. Sure, the usual bewbage was there, but it was much more tame than usual. And I liked that.

While conceptually, the video was about saving the world regardless of villianry or heroineness, I still wish I'd seen more "SUPERBITCHERY". I still question the use of Soul Eater's gun girls [they don't look badass enough, or at least in my opinion. xD]. That's my same simlar opinion on Haurhi and Rosario VAmpire, but those are the only real sources I thought was out of place, so if that's the only complaint source wise I made, that's still nearly 85% that I liked, so I'll forgive it. :ying:

I know I complained about the ending during the beta tests with the lip sync, but I'm not sure how I feel about the new one either... The lip sync there just seemed very off and unnatural.

2:18-2:34 is probably got to be in my top list of best edited sequences in my collection of videos. :D I have very rarely seen a scene and song section work so WELL together. :D

Overall, it's entertaining. It's fun. It's you! I could easily tell this was your style, that you had fun with it and I personally enjoyed it. 4.95/5.00

Great job Judge. Don't wait so long to make your next one. xD :up:

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Re: Out to Save the World

Post by JaddziaDax » Fri Feb 26, 2010 4:19 pm

awesomesauce >.>

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Re: Out to Save the World

Post by Kosmit » Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:20 pm

Nya-chan Production wrote:Just a note - it's "vaillain", not "villian" :)
I think you have one too many a's in there, dont'cha think? ;-)

Oh, and cool vid.

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Re: Out to Save the World

Post by JadeCharm » Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:22 pm

i think i would have liked it more if you wouldn't have made the "TV-show"-thing
for me this was somehow disturbing
but i was happy to see a new AMV from you! and i look forward to see the future ones - keep editing with Xtina music!! :up:

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Re: Out to Save the World

Post by Kenzichu » Wed Mar 03, 2010 5:08 am

oo~ already got it JH ^_^ and love how even though the song was repetitive I was like..omg i love this~!! I love how you did stuff like a news story~! 5/5 Judge!

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Re: Out to Save the World

Post by Fizziks » Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:27 am

Great video! It was really fun to watch. :up:

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Re: Out to Save the World

Post by JudgeHolden » Fri Mar 05, 2010 11:52 am

Thanks for all the comments folks! :D

Edit: I was just watching Lucky Star and I just noticed that Kona-chan has a Kiddy Grade poster on her wall ... :twisted:


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