Anime Expo 2014 AMV Competition - Finalist List POSTED!

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Castor Troy
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Re: Anime Expo 2014 AMV Competition - Finalist List Coming S

Post by Castor Troy » Wed May 07, 2014 2:49 pm

XStylus wrote:
BasharOfTheAges wrote:Glad I'm not a Judge this year. :lol:
Actually you should be sad. REALLY good vids this year... ...which makes my job that much more painful since many won't get in.
I only lay down the hammer out of love for the contest. <3 :bear:

and extreme hate for certain videos. :evil:
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Re: Anime Expo 2014 AMV Competition - Finalist List Coming S

Post by MaboroshiStudio » Wed May 07, 2014 2:53 pm

I just hope there aren't TWO parody categories lol... DRAMA duh duh duh!!!!

*ducks and covers*

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Re: Anime Expo 2014 AMV Competition - Finalist List Coming S

Post by lc235 » Wed May 07, 2014 3:00 pm

XStylus wrote:
BasharOfTheAges wrote:Glad I'm not a Judge this year. :lol:
Actually you should be sad. REALLY good vids this year... ...which makes my job that much more painful since many won't get in.
Isn't this the case every year? Especially for a con as big as AX :3

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Re: Anime Expo 2014 AMV Competition - Finalist List Coming S

Post by SailorDeath » Wed May 07, 2014 3:38 pm

Castor Troy wrote: and extreme hate for certain videos. :evil:
I'm sorry you feel that way about my video bro.

My first anime exposure came when I was really young. I grew up to Voltron and Battle of the Planets before I discovered Transformers and G.I. Joe. I didn't know what Anime was until the day I picked up a copy of Bubblegum Crisis at the local comic book store back in the early 1990's. (I feel old, I can't remember the year, and all I know is that it was considered new!) After that fateful day, I was hooked for good. After a short period of time I had already rented everything they had to offer. Titles like, Akira, Bubblegum Crisis, Bubblegum Crash, Silent Möbius, Riding Bean, Project A-ko and Gunbuster just to name a few. It was around that time, I met a friend who introduced me to the local Anime Club. I'd have to say the club was a great influence on the way I see anime today, if it wasn't for the club I'd have never seen any new anime, or even known where to get it. Through time the club evolved and changed, I eventually made it to one of the people who ran the thing each month. Unfortunately, it didn't last, and in December of 1999 we shut our doors for good. That didn't stop me, the year before I went to my first con, Anime Central 1998. I didn't spend the whole weekend there that year, I only went for a day. However, I enjoyed that experience so much that I decided to go to Otakon 98. To this day that was the best con experience I've ever had. Shortly after that, I had gotten tuned into making anime music videos. I tried my hand at fansubbing but that proved to be a failure, I didn't have a translator, or the money to hire one. So I scrapped that idea, On the other hand the videos were coming out. After sending the first 2 I've ever made into Anime Central 99' and losing ;p I went into making them in full force, scrubbing the fansubs project.

I didn't win any awards for music videos until Anime Central 2001, My Camelot video won Best Comedy which was nice. The following year I added awards for Best Drama for my Wonderboy video, and Best Theme for Vash Vs the Army of Darkness. In 2003, I was asked to join the Anime Central as part of their Music Video staff which I eagerly accepted and in 2004 I was asked to become the coordinator for the music video contest. I also like bacon which is the best food ever, oh and everyone else can eat a dick.
Gimme a minute, I'll make a cool one....

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Re: Anime Expo 2014 AMV Competition - Finalist List Coming S

Post by Rider4Z » Wed May 07, 2014 6:11 pm

Castor Troy wrote:
BasharOfTheAges wrote:Comedy pass - Make him tell a joke every time he enters the room.
Well, I'm screwed. :uhoh:
How many saiyans does it take to screw in a light bulb? :awesome:

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Re: Anime Expo 2014 AMV Competition - Finalist List Coming S

Post by Sephiroth » Wed May 07, 2014 6:47 pm

So which comedy video will end up in the Drama category this year?

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Re: Anime Expo 2014 AMV Competition - Finalist List Coming S

Post by SheeGee » Wed May 07, 2014 7:32 pm

Castor Troy wrote:
KagatoAMV wrote:
XStylus wrote:
Quiet, you, or I'll make you staff (and that's not an empty threat either).
Beware! He is known to make good on this threat! Beware!
I had to sit behind the staff table last year!

and I wasn't even staff! :uhoh: :uhoh:

I was back there too with you guys haha
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Re: Anime Expo 2014 AMV Competition - Finalist List Coming S

Post by Rider4Z » Wed May 07, 2014 7:51 pm

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Re: Anime Expo 2014 AMV Competition - Finalist List Coming S

Post by Hagaren Viper » Wed May 07, 2014 8:53 pm

XStylus wrote: 1) Freshness rule: For 2015 I'm very strongly thinking about reducing it to a 9-month period. I'm undecided on whether to make it apply universally, or just to the Primes.
I'm a little late to the game but I wanted to throw my two cents out about this one.

I feel a little weird about this potential rule because while I've been working right up to the deadline for the past few years, I've had times where I wasn't able to send a AX specific entry and sent videos from earlier in the year instead and despite all those facebook posts before the deadline, I know I can't be the only one. It might be a small case but I feel like it would be lame for an editor to be 'punished' because they released their vid too early, especially if it hasn't done a contest run at all.

I know the idea is to make judging load lighter and in the end you can't please everyone so I understand. If anything I hope either the rule would go into effect in 2016 so plenty of notice is given in 2015, or you would somehow let people know sometime this year so people whose videos might fall into that gap have a bit of warning.


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Re: Anime Expo 2014 AMV Competition - Finalist List Coming S

Post by XStylus » Thu May 08, 2014 1:44 am

I'll just leave this here. #Confirmations

/me hides in his bomb shelter
"Understanding is a three-edged sword: Your side, their side, and the truth." — J. Michael Straczynski


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