AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (next stop - Nekocon)

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)

Post by Gaelstrom » Mon May 31, 2010 2:16 am

moonbunnychan wrote:Wow, I'm really flattered that you like the Commander in Heat one so much. O_o

The Rubber Duckie video I'd originally made as a joke for a Princess Tutu fan community I'm in, who were teasing me that all the videos I ever made were depressing and real downers. I cut it for the Salad, and then had sent him the long version when it was looking like he wasn't going to have enough material.
I didn't know it was yours, great job! Hehe, I dunno what it is, but you really nailed it with this one. The source audio went everywhere, but you worked with it so beautifully. I caught it this time, especially. Your use of characters and scenarios was great because they were JUST as all over the place as the audio, but your choices were almost hitting every edge of the genre possibilities. It struck me especially hard when you did used princess tutu for the dark lord line, and your fades seamlessly brought in the various different animes without missing a beat, it made me actually want to see a full parody of this. No joke. And Nephlite as Julia Roberts with Sean Connery's voice? You're my hero.

The Rubber Ducky one is good, well cut and everything, it's just generally calmer and quieter than all the others. It's amusing, but too long and it puts people to sleep because it's so relaxing ^^ The smile from the amusing connection just starts to sag, followed by my eyelids. I liked the ending of the long version, but it was too much to sit through for the return for me sadly :( I'm glad the tutu fans appreciated it though, I'm sure there are definitely MANY at the con, but the shorter version gets the point across strongly.

Edit: Oh yeah, and I thought I'd have done 'the' epic Koizumi moment with Haruvi Baadoman, but honestly I think "*Record scratch* Has anybody seen my pants!" outshines any of his comments in mine ^^ At least this version has the 'moon him' line. We really zeroed in on Koizumi in this one, didn't we.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)

Post by Squancho » Mon May 31, 2010 9:28 am

In an attempt to address...
General something: I noticed the clips had some very odd scaling going on. For example my Genshiken and Haruhi clips felt really confining because they were scaled up. Not sure if that was an accident but could you check for what's causing that? Also there's that Cowboy Bebop clip that was strangely scaled compared to the rest.
I tried zooming in to get rid of the letterbox but the aspect ratio was locked and it would have seriously compromised the visual quality. The original author, KojiroShinkara, needs to fix that on their end. The other clips in question were zoomed in also to eliminate the slight letterbox that was leftover. I can restore them to their original appearance if you want.
AMVS4 Logo on Sony POS: ...are you going to send a better version to Otakon? It looks like you're rendering at 24 FPS rather than 29.97 or 30, because the animation looks really choppy in the intro logo.
For the purposes of expediency, I rendered the beta to mp4. The final will be mpeg2. This is also only the second beta. The version following this one will likely be the one beta-screened at AMA. If there are any changes needed beyond that, we have about two weeks from then to make the final.
Credits at beginning: Unfortunately I think it kills the setup completely. It also changes the entire layout of the salad compared to the previous ones. I felt the Sony POS clip worked to bring everyone into a general state of parody...As for Deuce Loosely Production, if you wanted to keep that, you could put that over the black screen of the AMVS4 logo with the Space Odyssey tone going for a few seconds with a dramatic fade in and fade out.
My only question now is what is to be done with the production tags if neither the beginning nor end works?
Money Running Gag: Think you may have put them all a bit too late to be considered a running gag.
Yup. Gonna fix that.
Captain Planet: Length = awesome. Ending = not. I'll have to stick with my original thought here. Trying to insert a completely unrelated and unnecessary joke from strongbad is superfluous here and actually distracts. The monitor around it draws the audience out of the actual thing for a moment to collect their bearings.
While I agree about the television frame being distracting (I found myself looking to see what it was), I LOLed at the ending. It was an unexpected WTF moment for me but I digress. It's up to the author in the end, I guess, but either way the current version of this clip is gonna hit with some viewers and miss with others.
New Case Closed: ...I'd just strongly suggest making sure that 'Psych' is somehow referenced in the ending title screen.
First, the song used is the actual show theme. Second, the credits are set up the exact same way as in the opening sequence. Third, this wasn't initially made for AMV Salad - it's a competing contest entry (which we screened for Katsucon and where I found this). I asked Kitsuner permission to use it. Anyway, anyone who's seen Psych will know immediately what the joke is. I thought about the title at the end but decided anyone who already gets it won't need the reminder. Anyone who doesn't get it still won't even if the Psych title were there.
Birdman/Haruhi: What was mentioned before about this has been proven to me with this test. I agree, I think the Haruhi/Birdman clip should be the last clip, because even I had to take a moment to catch what was happening, and I made the damn things ^^ Honestly Deuce, I'd rather the ending clip were in the midst of the credits, but not too far in...
That's what I figured. I'll fix that.
Pedobear: I admit I like how you did this. Hate the fading of course, and the music starts too soon, but it was creatively done...I'd say if nothing else put this at the very end, full screen, as the last thing the audience sees, since we seem to be lacking an "end" clip...
I thought the "I'm gonna moon him" would be a good place to end the main reel. I placed the Pedobear thing where I did so there wouldn't be so many people leaving by the time the credits were half-through. I want them to see every piece but the room is usually left with only a scattered few when the credits are done rolling. I also started the music to mask the abrupt cut in the middle of her scream. I was thinking, to add a slight element of creepiness, let the video fade out and let her scream for a second or two, "What's gonna happen now?" Anyway, I'll restore it to original form if you want.
Ace of Cakes, Hallmark and Baywatch: Ace of Cakes for some reason I loved it near the front in the earlier version. Couldn't tell you why, I just did. Baywatch and Hallmark I still strongly believe need to get consolidated a bit, but for Hallmark, I would suggest moving it forward more as well. Feels like it and Brady Bunch would fit well near to one another.
I got the same impression.
Commander in Heat: Since this one and Family Guy/Death Note are probably in the top strongest clips in the whole thing, I'd suggest moving Commander in Heat more toward the end. Like if Sony POS starts it off, Death Guy Family Note would be great at 1/3rd through, Commander in Heat great for 2/3rds through. Almost like bridge supports.
Pretty much...especially since they're also two of the longest clips in the lot.
Small clips: Small but hilarious clips should probably be given special placement. Like I honestly think the Naruto Firefly clip will cause people to laugh through half of my One Piece one currently ^^...

Upbeat longer clips closer to end: It's generally already like this, but it may be worthwhile to have more of the longer clips that are more upbeat in the second half to keep people aware through their length. Maybe even Baywatch.
Right. It's gonna take another view or three and then I'll "storyboard" the entire time line. However it comes out, AMA is gonna get a stellar beta. I need to get back with Otakon about my proposal, too...
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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)

Post by moonbunnychan » Mon May 31, 2010 6:42 pm

Gaelstrom wrote: The Rubber Ducky one is good, well cut and everything, it's just generally calmer and quieter than all the others. It's amusing, but too long and it puts people to sleep because it's so relaxing ^^ The smile from the amusing connection just starts to sag, followed by my eyelids. I liked the ending of the long version, but it was too much to sit through for the return for me sadly :( I'm glad the tutu fans appreciated it though, I'm sure there are definitely MANY at the con, but the shorter version gets the point across strongly.
Oh I'm not arguing it and agree that short gets the pun across better, I meant for the short one to be used, he only had the long one in case it was running desperately short on time, which it's not anymore.

The Case Closed one....I can tell you from being IN the audience at Katsucon everybody around me after that video were kind of like "Uh....ok." I don't think a lot of people got it.

I think the production tags aren't bad at the end...I think the main concern was that people might initially mistake the Haruhi/Birdman bit that was during the credits as another tag. The ones at the beginning that were like, just a picture with a quick fade weren't bad. If you really wanna have something at the beginning I'd say to make them quick images and soundless, and then maybe the long ones at the end. The long production tags on real movies only really work since there's only 2 or 3 of them. I also gotta say I think the idea of the pedobear one as an after credits gag would be a great idea. And I like the clip so well it's kind of a shame it's now a tiny box as opposed to full screen.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)

Post by Gaelstrom » Mon May 31, 2010 7:05 pm

I tried zooming in to get rid of the letterbox but the aspect ratio was locked and it would have seriously compromised the visual quality. The original author, KojiroShinkara, needs to fix that on their end.

I'd say it won't hurt to let the clips go widescreen, since everything is changing its aspect ratio anyway. The letterbox never bothered me before. It was feeling like some shoulder shots were becoming extreme closeups and becoming uncomfortable, and whole sections of shots were getting cut off, so yeah I'd say the shots are good. As for the Bebop one, it's short enough that it can get away with being scaled up in editing software if worse comes to worst.
My only question now is what is to be done with the production tags if neither the beginning nor end works?
I think you may have misunderstood. They work totally fine in the ending. This ending song is nothing like "Song that never ends." The fact that it has TV dinner in it is all that really matters to me, otherwise it's not that great a song in my opinion (it's not upbeat and dance-ish, and its presence is the real joke), so cutting in production tags and any other clips is fine, and even expected considering this is AMVS4. What was discussed above, about Haruvi Baadoman cutting in being mistaken for a production tag, I am reasonably sure it'll be solved by being the first thing that cuts in, and as long as we use the version that has the fuzz and make sure the music gets cut off.

I just came up with something that may work. If you have a way to make the music quickly slow down and cut like someone unplugged a record player or something, then have the clip cut in, then after it fuzzes out, do the reverse and have it speed up into the song again if you know what I'm talking about. I think that could be potentially amusing.
While I agree about the television frame being distracting (I found myself looking to see what it was), I LOLed at the ending. It was an unexpected WTF moment for me but I digress. It's up to the author in the end, I guess, but either way the current version of this clip is gonna hit with some viewers and miss with others.
It's true that if the author really wants it like this then your choices are limited to appease the 'members' but if several people notice the same types of distractions, that's a red flag that probably shouldn't be ignored. Since you're the coordinator, wouldn't you say that on top of your contributions you were being a stand that the largest portion of the audience got the most enjoyment possible? You could let everything be 'some will get it, some will not' but then this will just be good instead of great. I'm of the mindset "Let's go the extra mile and make every clip as strong as it can be." Far more people will get Captain Planet than Strongbad, and objectively I believe that the laughter from the actual joke may hit a wall with the 'deleted' for many people. You know the power of test patterns. I'd bet money that the strongbad 'deleted' was put there because the author hadn't seen it with a test pattern. Captain Planet with that Naruto pic caused me to lose it, but not as much this time, because the tv monitor was distracting, and then the 'deleted' stunned me so much I stopped laughing. You don't want that type of 'wtf' laughter, because it's usually just uncertain laughter that knocks people out of the reverie.
First, the song used is the actual show theme. Second, the credits are set up the exact same way as in the opening sequence. Third, this wasn't initially made for AMV Salad - it's a competing contest entry (which we screened for Katsucon and where I found this). I asked Kitsuner permission to use it.
See previous comments, I guess. I mean it couldn't hurt to ask Kitsuner if they'd be able to make a title slate. Like I mentioned above, I've never seen psych, but it is unique in that its advertisements are memorable, so I know of several people who know of its premise and humor style without actually seeing any episodes. It can hit more people than you may expect with the right nudge. This clip is basically just a new intro to Case Closed otherwise. Well cut and well done, definitely, but very specific, not reaching as much of the audience as it could. As well made as it is, it's basically just good cutting rather than all that humorous to a general audience. If it wasn't made for AMVS4, I'd go so far as to suggest leaving it out without some type of reference for a wider audience.
I thought the "I'm gonna moon him" would be a good place to end the main reel. I placed the Pedobear thing where I did so there wouldn't be so many people leaving by the time the credits were half-through. I want them to see every piece but the room is usually left with only a scattered few when the credits are done rolling. I also started the music to mask the abrupt cut in the middle of her scream. I was thinking, to add a slight element of creepiness, let the video fade out and let her scream for a second or two, "What's gonna happen now?" Anyway, I'll restore it to original form if you want.
I don't know why you think the room is clear by the credits. At Otakon at least, AMVS started the parodies, not one person left, because AMVS totally started off the fireworks with the finale :D It was the live action 'parody' that cleared the room... If you think it's a problem though, go ahead and speed up the credits more. Either way, I don't want people to be uncomfortable with the pedobear clip, because he's a gag, but he's also a gag related to a touchy subject (no pun intended ^^). I didn't intend for him to be creepy, and I'm changing his face to look more stunned by her scream. I specifically cut it where I did because it's a half-beat. The audience knows she continues screaming, and knows his reaction, the joke doesn't need to go further. It was specifically designed for a test pattern so that the audience sees his reaction for a split second and reacts/laughs through the test pattern into the next clip. A trailing off scream changes it completely to something... much more creepy than it should be :| It definitely was a bit of a risky clip ^^
Right. It's gonna take another view or three and then I'll "storyboard" the entire time line. However it comes out, AMA is gonna get a stellar beta. I need to get back with Otakon about my proposal, too...
What proposal? Are we still trying to make AMVS3 and 4 combined by the way?

EDIT: This was at Katsucon? How was it?

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)

Post by moonbunnychan » Mon May 31, 2010 8:23 pm

Gaelstrom wrote:
EDIT: This was at Katsucon? How was it?
Do you mean if he screened AMVS 3 at Katsu? Yes, yes he did. People actually lined up way early to get in and see it, and the room actually completely filled to the point of having to turn people away at the door.
I'd already seen it, and I STILL laughed like the first time, since there's a very infectious atmosphere when you're in a room full of people all laughing.

I'd love to see 3 again in that atmosphere (even if I didn't contribute to it), my only worry long ARE the fan parodies time slot? I can't remember. Running both would be almost an hour, which may kinda seem like hogging. And I guess it really comes down to how many fan parodies will they get and how many of those are worth showing.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)

Post by Gaelstrom » Mon May 31, 2010 9:28 pm

moonbunnychan wrote:I'd love to see 3 again in that atmosphere (even if I didn't contribute to it), my only worry long ARE the fan parodies time slot? I can't remember. Running both would be almost an hour, which may kinda seem like hogging. And I guess it really comes down to how many fan parodies will they get and how many of those are worth showing.
I've been begging him for that for a while ^^ I only saw AMVS3 in audience once, and honestly I still consider those some of my best clips. I'm honestly not sure if I outdid myself this year or not. The challenges I gave myself were definitely greater, and I hope to give some good laughs, but I don't know if I can manage another collection of AMVS3 level clips ^^ All I can hope is that my feelings are heavily skewed because I've been looking at these for so long and can't tell anymore. At this point, I need an audience now to tell me how they feel. I'm gonna try bringing a video camera to record reactions this year so I can keep that memory ^^

Fanparodies at Otakon are 3 hours long, from like 10-1:30 on two nights, Friday and Saturday. The thing is they have repeats every year, and even the creators of those want to see new stuff. They give priority to new ones and classics basically. They always play live action ones that ALWAYS suck, always. Never once has a live action one been entertaining through its entirety. Deuce basically just needs to remind them of that to get AMVS 3 to play on Friday, and probably even get AMVS4 on both nights, but that might be pushing it ^^ I definitely think AMVS3 Friday then AMVS4 Saturday would be perfect.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)

Post by moonbunnychan » Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:38 am

Hey...passing along a message from Deuce that he's having some major computer issues at the moment, like as in it won't even boot up. So he'll be a little absent for awhile till it gets fixed.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)

Post by moonbunnychan » Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:35 pm

So in a bit of an update, his hard drive failed and thus far all efforts to save the data have been unsuccessful.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)

Post by Gaelstrom » Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:53 pm

That's awesome! Murphy strikes again!

Definitely could have had worse timing though, that's for sure. We all have the notes on these boards, and we have the versions we all have for him, so at the very least this project is relatively safe.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)

Post by moonbunnychan » Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:48 am

So it may be a touch late to notice buut...

The logo, if you didn't realize it stood for AMV Salad, kinda looks just like the plural form of amv.


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