Deuce Loosely wrote:CMP: Honestly, I didn't see anything racist about it, even after hearing the debate. The drawn-in faces are too cartoonish and funny to be anything but what was intended. I doubt seriously anyone else will find it remotely racist.
Let me also explain something. Concerning the AMVS3 credits at the beginning. They are ONLY there to demonstrate not only that they're 30 seconds faster but how the flow feels if AMVS3 and 4 were connected as a continuous video (for conventions only). The full-length product will stretch about 45 minutes in all.
Also...does anyone remember that fake commercial-type video short of a compact car driving down a rural road on a sunny day with soothing music in the background, only to be interrupted by the sudden appearance of a zombie? If you all want a final clip after the credits, how about someone replace the zombie with the Geico money?..and a graphic for AMV Salad 5 - premiering Otakon 2011? Just a thought.

Honou_Miko/Deuce: All I can say about the eyes on the black faces was that's what I and apparently moonbunnychan saw and our minds had to work a little to correct the perception. I can't guess how many others will see that, but the risk is more that that retranslation happens to distract from the joke. Psychologically if we're considered a small test group, than more people than you might think would see it too, and the audience does have many black people. If I had to choose an 'ideal' for this, I'd suggest scenes with the characters being angry without the black faces if the scenes exist. The contrast would be obvious, but I know that would be a bit annoying. I know it doesn't simulate the flashbacks as you wanted, really the reason I brought this up was to be aware that several in the audience will probably need a moment to re situate themselves.
And thanks for clarifying, Deuce. Does that mean we know when the Salads will be playing? I thought you said it was going to be one on Friday night, and one Saturday night? Is this 45 minute one still hypothetical, or is it a given now? And will it play both nights?
As for the commercial, I've no idea what you mean, but if others do and like the idea, I'd say go for it ^^ More comedy never hurt a Salad.