Anyone going to or has been to AnimeDetour?

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Anime Detour Awesome!

Post by AltruisticCrono » Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:12 pm

I couldn't have asked for a better first convention!

Easily the most fun I've had in years. I was impressed how friendly the crowd of 5,000 people were. It truly felt I belonged many similar interests. And girls even played video games! ZOMG!

I got glomped so many times. ^_^v For those who saw me, I was the person who got 2nd in the Smash Bros 64 tourny and in the group that Pyramid Head came with.

WTF Contest - I never expected an entire crowd to chant that certain word before. The chobits video was priceless as well.

Phade is awesome in person.

For those who are wondering who won the AMV contest:
Best Trailer:
That's Sake Baby! by Dark Side Productions

Best Drama:
The Mark of My Sins by Dr. Raven

Best Action:
IRIA - Complete Authority by DZX Productions

Best Comedy:
My Fair... Lady? by JubJub2

Best in Show:
The Fullmetal Code by Next Twilight Studios

Definately going next year!

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Post by oldwrench » Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:46 pm

I have attended all three detours and they get better every year. There were actually less than 2500 people I believe, some more than last year and still growing.

There was so much going on it was hard to decide what to attend. It sure was easier getting around, not having a broken ankle this year. The Eva panel with Matt Greenfild was very good, so much I didn't know. I guess he should know, he did so much work on the dub. He is an amazing storehouse of anime facts.
Phade flat out rocks the con. Every time he starts to play amvs there is standing room only. He brought a huge number of amvs and a search program so he could take requests. Also, Phade's contribution to the charity auction brought the highest bid at $555. Heartfelt thanks from all of us, Phade. And thanks to the generous bidder, it all helps disaster victims.
By the way, I got to sit next to Phade at brunch Sunday morning, I have a picture to prove it. Also at our table were Matt Greenfield and Carrie Savage. The fact that they were very slow serving the food might have been bad for the people waiting for the guest signing, but it was great for me. An hour and a half with these people was enlightening and fun. Sponsorship has it's good points.

All in all, the people attending were well behaved and the cosplayers were better than ever. There was a whole army from FMA. The staff is getting all the bugs worked out and making a very quality con. They did a great job all weekend. Lord and my wife willing, I'll be there next year. Now I can't wait for Sogen Con.
Where did you say I'm going?.... And what am I doing in a handbasket?

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