D: *is speechless*a|xcutie: *big long posty thing before this*
;_; <<<tears of happiness
wow, just wow, that little review has really made my entire week TuT *cries more*
You know, I was initially a bit sad when my other AMV I entered did not make the AmTV finals , but that quickly went away after I saw the AmTV category >_> it certainly didn't diappoint :3
So while the creation of my comedy was not as time consuming as my other video, none-the-less I am very happy with the responses I've seen and heard and I think it was totally worth spending 4/5 days doing nothing but sleeping, eating, going to work, and working on that damn video x.x
[though my other video was two weeks of the same process >_> ...who needs a social life? XD]
I need to start learning how to space out my AMV creation time though...I start on it, then I don't wanna stop or do anything else until I finish T_T (anyone got tips on that? D: )
I feel like I'm rambling and not stringing sentences together properly, so I shall go to sleep now...
But first, to all you other category people, both finalists, and even some that didn't make it into the finals, you guys/gals kick some serious booteh! You all rock and deserve awards and such and stuff and things and me go sleppy now because my brain hurts >_>