I have to agree---the detail and wit totally make that video. Plus, it looks gorgeous---the footage is so clean it's amazing (did you use a hi-def source? I've been wondering about that).DriftRoot wrote:I'm glad you liked it. 'Bustin (not Bustin', hehe) definitely has the unusual advantage of being able to appeal to both AC fans and nonfans, nevermind AMV fans and nonfans - I get a lot of people telling me that they generally don't like AMVs, but they really like 'Bustin.Erudito wrote: 2. I thought Bustin' was a great video it had a good mix of action and humor. More than that I've always been told that the most basic camera tricks are the best. What you did may not have been super complex, but it was visually pleasing, funny, and made Bustin' one of my favorite videos in the contest and this is coming from a person who hates Advent Children videos, heck I can't stand Final Fantasy videos in general.
My shock at receiving the Technical Award has been lessened after learning that the judges apparently were quite impressed by the level of detail in 'Bustin, among other things. This makes me very happy, because it's nice to have that sort of thing recognized. It's also nice to know that the other skills I brought to the table - graphic design, copy writing, etc. - were being evaluated right alongside my video editing abilities. ^_^
You and I have cornered the market on getting the word "bust" into amv's and contests this year.