Understandable, I've heard that from a few people. My goal was to make an "Adult-Swimish" style video using clips followed by "fun but plain" text and then ramp up chorus text effects. The aim was to use the clips as the punchline to the joke and vary between clips and text as the setup. I felt like going from black screens or unrelated clips to the punchline clip added a little more umph to the joke because there was no "lead-in" to prepare you for it. I wasn't sure how well it would be received or if it was work all that well. Much like my "Rough Love" AMV that aimed to be a "Romantic Comedy", I was basically just looking for something new to try out.irriadin wrote:I agree, I was hoping for some more Eva during the text effects segments. There's definitely enough visual movement to sustain interest during the text scenes, but it did feel a bit discordant with the rest of the video.Miracle_Falcon wrote:Yeah, the text was really good, though I wanted to see images of Shinji or Asuka fade in or out of the text or something - I wanted to see the text effects tie back to Evangelion a little more. It was still really fun to watch, though.
Anyways, enough concept rambling, lol, I'm just glad that everyone enjoyed it so much ! It's always awesome to be able to go and listen to how the crowd reacts to a video you worked hard to edit. This was my first to actually get to vote, as the only contest I've had a chance to go to is the one at Animazement, and the judges decide that one.