AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (next stop - Nekocon)

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)

Post by Squancho » Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:40 pm

...cockblocked? :rofl:

Alrighty...clip by clip, I shall rate AMVS4 by audience reaction.

POS: :rofl:
intro: :lol:
Gurren Rock: :D
Talk: :rofl:
Yo Mama: :rofl:
Babewatch: :o (mainly a lot of reaction to the boobs)
Rubber Ducky: :) (got a few "awwww"s)
Egg: :rofl:
Honest Truth: :)
Neighbor: :rofl:
Commander in Heat: :lol:
CSI Hetalia: :D
Kyoka Bunch: :lol:
Psycho: :rofl:
Bomberman: :)
Haruhi Geico: :D
Ace of Cakes: :D
Bedroom Drama: :lol:
I'mma Masturbate: :rofl:
Jamaica: :)
Side Boob Hour: :D
Psych: :D
Bounty Hunter: :lol:
Predator: :)
Thunderbirds: :)
Azumanga Geico: :D
Captain Naruto: :rofl:
Faith Plus One: :lol:
Meow Mix: :)
Number Two: :lol:
Jackass: :rofl:
Twisty Frosty: :D
Birdman: :lol:
Geico Tutu: :D
Barry Slap-chopper: :lol:
My Little Pony: :D
Hallmark: :)
Charmander Geico: :D
Birdman end credits: :D
Pedobear: :lol:

I'mma storyboard everything according to reaction, impact immediacy, and length. I'll go back to see if there are any comments I might have missed as well. I'll have a third beta available by the end of the week unless some unforeseen disaster occurs. :sweat:
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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)

Post by Angelyco » Tue Jun 15, 2010 2:21 pm

I'm happy with that. My clips weren't supposed to be funny, just entertaining :)

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by Squancho » Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:09 pm

BTW...I heard back from Otakon.

At the moment they are looking for shorter-running projects to lend more time for newer submissions. Also, they are reserving Friday night for new videos and Saturday night for the older / classic ones.

To wit, the likelihood is remote that we'll have the continuous AMVS3 & 4 shown at Otakon (which was expected). So it looks like AMVS4 will be shown Friday night and AMVS3 on Saturday. At least we'll be represented on both nights.

My theory is they're thinking no fewer people will be present to view parodies on either night since Otakon only sells weekend badges and the majority of attendees will already be there Friday. Whatever the case, we're on for an Otakon world premiere...
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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by Gaelstrom » Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:23 pm

Oh well, that may be a good thing to have one each night ^^

Either way, some reactions surprised me. How many people were in the room? Did we end up having to use the second beta, or did you make a new one? Unfortunately less ROFLs than I'd hoped. Could that potentially be increased by moving things around due to overlapping laughter based on your experience of it?

And what is 'Egg?' Is that new?

The Naruto one at least should remove the monitor from it I believe. I still don't think 'deleted' helps honestly, but if nothing else the monitor's the most distracting element from it. Hopefully you watched the reaction, whether it hit as soon as Naruto hit the screen, or if 'deleted' helped or not. Now you have some live reaction to gauge some clips' effectiveness.

I'll assume the :lol: represents a wider range of laughter and :rofl: is a bit more deafening based on the Otakon AMVS3 audience I watched with ^^ So did any of the clips get any reactions that were unexpected and need another look or something?

Also, I wanted to finally get you the credits if you haven't already done them. I'll just post them here:

Chobits POS (choose better name if you want)
The Onion: Sony Fucking Piece of Shit
Lucky Star, Chobits
(Special thanks to Troy Fillmore and Caleb Rightnowar for logo)

AMVS4 Logo
2001: A Space Odyssey Theme

Your Bread Sucks
Comedy Central Presents: Steve McGrew

Coming to America
One Piece

WRYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! (harkening to old school /b/ days ^^)
Bill Burr: Why Do I Do This
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OVA

Gotta do whatchya gotta do...
Robot Chicken

Excerpt of "Youtube Poop: Haruhi Cures Swine Flu"
Anime Audio / Jack Black
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
(Creator: Captpan6)

Haruvi Baadoman
Harvey Birdman: Attourney at Law
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Barry the SlapChopper
Rap Chop Remix by DJ Steve Porter
Fullmetal Alchemist

Did you get that thing I senchya?
Harvey Birdman: Attourney at Law
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Just sayin' hi!
Anime audio / Pedobear
Last Exile

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by moonbunnychan » Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:47 pm

I'm guessing the awws were to the longer version, since it has a kind of "aw" ending? If so...I mean...I'll leave it totally up to everybody what version to use. The short one gets the point across faster but if the long one got awws it may be worth keeping or maybe cutting out the middle bit to keep the ending. Whatever you wanna do with it you've got my permission.

And wow, Friday night for new stuff, that's interesting. Seems kinda backwards from the norm.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (CLOSED!!!)

Post by moonbunnychan » Tue Jun 15, 2010 7:04 pm

Angelyco wrote:I'm happy with that. My clips weren't supposed to be funny, just entertaining :)
That's a good thing to keep in mind...just because something doesn't get a gut busting laugh doesn't mean people aren't enjoying it.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by Squancho » Tue Jun 15, 2010 7:06 pm

moonbunnychan wrote:I'm guessing the awws were to the longer version, since it has a kind of "aw" ending?

And wow, Friday night for new stuff, that's interesting. Seems kinda backwards from the norm.
Actually, I did a quick hack & slash job on the second beta. I cut the Ducky video to its intended length, removed my "intended" clip because I'll never finish it, and added a few new clips. I didn't have time to do any extensive rearrangement of order but things should look different with the next one.

And "Egg" is a new Geico commercial submitted by CMP.
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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by Gaelstrom » Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:32 pm

Yeah, Friday for the new stuff is quite strange. I know that most people are there by the end of Friday, but that's still not the greatest influx of people. Oh well, Friday's much more prevalent than it was 5 years ago, that's for sure. Hopefully they put AMVS4 up front though, because I really am nervous when they say 'new stuff' because most of it sucks. The only amusing new one in recent memory other than AMVS was the Withc Hunter Robin fanparody that I've wanted to see since then, but it never came back and I haven't found it anywhere. I don't even know who made it to ask them to resubmit it!

Either way, as long as AMVS starts it off, we're golden. It's a shorter one, so that should be the case. Hopefully you can ask them for that Deuce ^^

How many new ones do we have? I'm still trying to see if I can finish one last one that got me really inspired and shark it in if I can complete it by the 20th, since the 25th is the cutoff if I remember correctly. It should be a quick one but only if the idea works which I haven't determined if it will. I'll let you all decide if it's good enough if I manage it.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by moonbunnychan » Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:24 am

I'm more then ok with "awws".

Speaking of schedules though, do they let you know beforehand what time stuff plays? I really want my friends to come see it but don't think they'd be willing to sit through like an hour of other people's stuff. Looking at last year's schedule it just says "fan parodies".
(and I'm still a touch worried about it getting pushed back to crazy o' clock due to the pretty liberal use of F-bombs).

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (Premiere at OTAKON!)

Post by Gaelstrom » Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:36 am

Previous years you could find a more definite scheduling on the boards I think after the parody cutoff. But other than that, you can always find out the REAL fanparody schedule by going to the help desk on Friday. They have a list that you can't take with you, but you can jot down the important stuff. I honestly think it would be hypocritical to push it back due to language. I know routinely most parodies don't swear too much, but as filled with it as the Sony POS clip is, the onion clip really is pretty tastefully done I felt. Last year there was some swears in AMVS3 as well. I mean really as long as it's with a real purpose, it'd be hard to argue that just because there are MORE that it's somehow worse.

Worse hypocrisy has been done, though, so I understand your worries. Hopefully Deuce can smooth it out if there are any troubles with it. If there IS an issue, I have a BUNCH of cartoon sound effects that I can attempt to censor it with ala Lunar Outtakes style, but I'd prefer not to let censorship ruin comedy if we can get away with it.


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