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Sad Boy on Site
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Post by dwchang » Tue May 06, 2003 2:25 pm

Jace Tsunami wrote:that post doesn't say negative A, it says A. It was stupid of him to use a dash on every step, but that's all it is. It doesn't represent a negative.
D'oh!!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!

Thanks for pointing that out...haha
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Post by Savia » Tue May 06, 2003 2:26 pm

Soory about the dash thing. You're right, I shouldn't have used the dash. Jace, the second expression (after factoring) still equals 0.
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Jace Tsunami
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Post by Jace Tsunami » Tue May 06, 2003 3:28 pm

one side = 0, while the other doesn't. It's not a proper porportion.

Assuming that A and b were 2 alike, like we're pretty much doing here trying to get 2 + 2 to = 5 lets vreak it down:

(2 + 2)(2 + 2)



^left side

2(2 - 2)



^right side

16 does not = 0

It's a faulty porportion.

Before you factored it, both sides equaled each other. Which happened to be 0


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Post by Propyro » Tue May 06, 2003 3:30 pm

man funny how this thread went from what anime chick you want to sleep with to psychology, then to classic literature and now it's getting into logic. The part of philosophy i dreaded most ... logic ... arg! I hated it because i'm not a terribly huge math fan ... but yea, our techer tried to explain how 1 = 2... or was it 2 = 1 ... wither way it's the same thing, i think ... while she was explaining it on the board i understood it .. but then i walked out of class and 5 minuites later i forgot how it went and just gave up on it.

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Post by dwchang » Tue May 06, 2003 3:54 pm

Propyro wrote:man funny how this thread went from what anime chick you want to sleep with to psychology, then to classic literature and now it's getting into logic. The part of philosophy i dreaded most ... logic ... arg! I hated it because i'm not a terribly huge math fan ... but yea, our techer tried to explain how 1 = 2... or was it 2 = 1 ... wither way it's the same thing, i think ... while she was explaining it on the board i understood it .. but then i walked out of class and 5 minuites later i forgot how it went and just gave up on it.
I like logic. That was the test I did best on in the GRE too :). Makes sense...I would be ashamed if I did horrible in Logic or Math on the GRE.
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Post by Propyro » Tue May 06, 2003 4:01 pm

dwchang wrote:
Propyro wrote:man funny how this thread went from what anime chick you want to sleep with to psychology, then to classic literature and now it's getting into logic. The part of philosophy i dreaded most ... logic ... arg! I hated it because i'm not a terribly huge math fan ... but yea, our techer tried to explain how 1 = 2... or was it 2 = 1 ... wither way it's the same thing, i think ... while she was explaining it on the board i understood it .. but then i walked out of class and 5 minuites later i forgot how it went and just gave up on it.
I like logic. That was the test I did best on in the GRE too :). Makes sense...I would be ashamed if I did horrible in Logic or Math on the GRE.
yes, but you see ADD is a funny little disorder ... if i'm interested insomething i'll remember it for years and years (very odd little things, like my friends 3 year old icq sign-in name or a dream that somone told me about last year involving ninja midgets being thrown down stairs and making very funny noises). If not, then no matter how hard i try it just slips my mind. unfortunatly i cannot find very much facination in Logic. Now biology was something totaly different, with out trying, or handing in all the assignments i managed to get a 72 in grade 12 university level biology. And i can probably still remember a good deal of what was covered in that course ... plus i liked my teacher, despite his monotone voice he was still pretty cool.

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Jace Tsunami
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Post by Jace Tsunami » Tue May 06, 2003 5:41 pm

yeah, A.D.D. sucks. Fortunetly for me tho, I'm just so smart math couldn't really get much easyer. It's not that I'm intrested in it, but teacher have never had to teach me anything, they just give me the work and I figure it out on my own. I'm good enough with logic that I can manage on my own.

I like this though, I just stayed in regular Math instead of advance, and now today being in a regular class:

I go to math class, take out my pillow and get situated.
Talk to my friends until they have to start paying attention
fall asleep
my coach comes over and wakes me up 10 minutes before class is over and shows me what the class did that day and gives me my home work that'd do next time
I finish my homework before that 10 minutes is up and I have to leave.

On a test day, I simply test and go to sleep.

So, I always have a 100% in his class, and I never do jack shit for it.


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Post by dwchang » Tue May 06, 2003 5:52 pm

Jace Tsunami wrote:yeah, A.D.D. sucks. Fortunetly for me tho, I'm just so smart math couldn't really get much easyer. It's not that I'm intrested in it, but teacher have never had to teach me anything, they just give me the work and I figure it out on my own. I'm good enough with logic that I can manage on my own.

I like this though, I just stayed in regular Math instead of advance, and now today being in a regular class:

I go to math class, take out my pillow and get situated.
Talk to my friends until they have to start paying attention
fall asleep
my coach comes over and wakes me up 10 minutes before class is over and shows me what the class did that day and gives me my home work that'd do next time
I finish my homework before that 10 minutes is up and I have to leave.

On a test day, I simply test and go to sleep.

So, I always have a 100% in his class, and I never do jack shit for it.
In all honesty, I suggest going into advanced mathematics and challenging yourself. Trust me, it'll pay off come college. I took all the advanced math and got to skip Calculus, Multi-Variable Calculus and go straight to Differential Equations since I took the others in HS and passed out in college. It's worth it...trust me.
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Jace Tsunami
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Post by Jace Tsunami » Tue May 06, 2003 5:59 pm

well, considering my A.D.D., my English, French, and History grades SUCK. This is a big GPA booster for me, besides, it's too late. I'll be a senior next year, and there's no courses offered for seniors to advance. Last year I could have taken geometry/algebra 2, of in 8th grade I could have skipped pre-algebra and went straight to 1. Lots of things I could have done, but it's a little late now =/

Oh well, I'm not unhappy wqith it, my GPA is really high, and all my grades are either effortless As or slave driven Cs


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Post by Propyro » Tue May 06, 2003 7:17 pm

well Jace your lucky, just as math is a breeze for you, i've found social sciences and english to be quite easy for myself. My general problems is one, not trying half as hard as i should, and two forgetting to hand in assignments ... it's kinda funny, i'd ahve an assignemnt done, but i'd jsut forget to hand it in and loose lots of marks like that. Oddly enough one of the things peopel have said i do very well was creative writing ... i hate my writing, but lots of other people say it's great. Other things liek history, in grade 10 canadien history is a mandatory class, i got an 81% in it with out taking any notes all semester, i just listened in class and it sunk in, but thats because it was usualy interesting stuff that was being covered in class.

French was a write off for me since i was in early grade school. I didn't like it so i'd just sit in a corner and read a book. That severly hurt my ability to understand the language, so i wound up being french exempted in grade 9.

and my school sorta has a policy against fast tracking ... well the only way you can fast track to my knoledge is to take a full make up course in summer school (a place i don't want to go back to).


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