Why do you watch Anime?

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Post by ZephyrStar » Wed May 14, 2008 8:36 am

I watch it for the methods of storytelling and the art styles. It's fairly diverse, there's something for everyone's palette. I don't limit myself to anime either, I also enjoy J-drama etc.

Anime is just one facet though. I got interested in other cultures from taking language classes, and checking out their media. I guess I started with foreign film, ended up discovering anime.

It's good to take a look at the media and storytelling from other cultures. Very thought provoking. For example, go watch Indian films, the film business in India is booming right now. Just google "Bollywood." Incredible stuff.

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Post by OropherZero » Wed May 14, 2008 8:53 am

Bollywood have good musicals :D What I'm kinda getting at, is that Hollywood is overrated and so are their celebrities, did I see an original samurai character in The Last Samurai? No I saw a man name 'Tom Cruise' dressed up in a samurai costume. There have only been a few movies I have seen where the actor/actressed blended in well with their roles to the point of seeing the character rather than the actor.

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Post by Sukunai » Wed May 14, 2008 10:59 am

"It's more fun to attack someones reasoning than attacking their spelling or throwing out wild guesses about how they live their life."

I don't recall commenting on spelling actually.

But as I have been attacked in my time for calling broad brush style people "stupid" for one observation or another on one forum or another, implying I am "immature" for watching anime is going to get the same favour for sure.

Now if THAT person wanted to explaion WHY anime was immature, it might be worth my time to explain why I thought they were full of it :)

Just out of curiosity's sake, do you know the point of this comment?
"It also has the added benefit of removing complete fucktards from the genepool, like those who try to actually be Naruto."
Sadly I do, even without their referencing it.
Fairly insensitive in my view point to a sad tragedy.
Anime, one of the few things about the internet that doesn't make me hate the internet.

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Post by Emotive » Wed May 14, 2008 1:57 pm

Sukunai wrote:"other than that, I think "most" anime is for immature children with no grip on reality and need a serious kick up the ass by their parents"

That comment says a lot actually. Chances are you are seriously fucking boring in personal, likely fucking anal as hell even if you don't realize it, and probably unable to enjoy having fun without a good reason first.

Calling anime "immature" is decidedly hilarious. Saying it's for children with no grip on reality equally stupid, and it's probable your parents are the reason you are a wet blanket.

You likely suck the fun out of a room like a blackhole.

Makes me wonder what you are doing here at all.
Apparently, after expanding on why she found anime interesting, saying that ought to be conceived as sarcasm rather than an attack to all anime watchers, especially as she is included in those anime watchers. It's more of an "attack" to those who actually believe that anime is, in fact, immature, for no other reason than throwing it in the "cartoons for kids" category.

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Post by Oli.C » Wed May 14, 2008 2:39 pm

OropherZero wrote:that list is so broken, half of the list belongs in my worst 30 =|
Gotta remember there will be a lot of members who joined, made their list and haven't updated in maybe as long as 4 years :roll:

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Post by Autraya » Thu May 15, 2008 12:06 am

x_rex30 wrote:
Autraya wrote:I'm a little confused there are 14557 Naruto vids and 3404 Beebop vids on this site... how does it "come close to surpassing beebop"? It's well in excess of beebop. o.O
I'm not talking about the mvs, I'm talking about people who "favorited" it in their fav anime list.

hmmm interesting point i wasn't looking at it from that angle, do you think that the numbers could also be skewed by the number of new editors who are Naruto fans that are on youtube and not a-m-v.org? If it is a dying trend like Oro suggested then stats from previous years would indicate that. I do very much agree with you both(?) that soon it will be overtaken. In my experience I honestly don’t see the level of stupidity that is prevalent within the Naruto fandom, in the beebop crowd although there are many people who like both :amv: But it could be that whole mob mentality or that the Naruto fans are a big younger?(I personally dislike both anime)
Sukunai wrote: insert poorly conceived attempt at flaming here... oh and you're a guy!!!
Well I think that just about sums it up, not only are you running off at the mouth throwing around assumptions about me which are so far off base I laughed for about 15 minutes after reading your post (as every editor who's met me or talked to me on skype can attest). You had your little rant by reacting to key words I wrote instead of actually reading what I wrote (although Yannis picked up on the subtext it seems 8-) )
"me thinks the maiden doth protest too much" really sums it up, but I'll explain that quote for you. You went so over the top into Defensive mode it begs the question "are you a Narutard." rhetorical question of course.

Now I'll hand hold you through reading it a second time (and I thought adding speech marks for emphasis would help *sigh* this time I'll try bold)

"other than that, I think "most" anime is for immature children with no grip on reality and need a serious kick up the ass by their parents"

Do you understand what I've written? I did not say all anime I said most and in the context of those I hadn't already discussed. I did not say that every person who watches anime is immature or a child (although you certainly made my point for me with your response).
As I read your response below
Now if THAT person wanted to explanation WHY anime was immature, it might be worth my time to explain why I thought they were full of it
I realise I have just wasted my time because what that really says is "If THAT*pointing finger at Autraya emphatically* person wanted to explain what they mean because I've started to realise I was wrong but will cover it with more bluster, but if Autraya bothers to respond (I dare you to respond to my flaming and not flame back so I'll look mature) then I will explain why i flamed her but I wont bother listening to what she has to say *adds smiley face to tone down response*"

Sooo I'd say that was pretty close for reading subtext, feel free to add anything I've missed.

I was contemplating not bothering to even respond to your goading, but as luck would have it I've not much to do for the rest of the arvo at work. And I thought that if your posts hadn't gotten deleted or a warning from the mods by this point for flaming then you just made yourself fair game. Fortunately for you I don’t have the energy to bother flaming you in return so my response above will have to suffice.
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Post by 8bit_samurai » Thu May 15, 2008 1:50 am

...Aut is haut

It was [adult swim] that got me to watch some anime, but it was AMVs that exposed me to other anime. I watched DBZ on cartoon network as a kid, but I didn't know it was an "anime "at the time. Dunnky's (DBZ) AMVs were one of the first I watched, and soon I found out about Final Fantasy AMVs. Those AMVs made me wanna make one of my own, so I looked up how to make one which brought me to this place (and I joined eventually).

So, I watch anime because it's on [adult swim] and this site (and others like it) exposes me to anime that is not on [as] that may be relevant to my interests. I don't think anime is better than (American) TV Programming/Hollywood or vice versa, in general. I do like some shows/series/movies/OVAs/etc. more than others, but I don't give a damn to reason why. I just do. Most of the reasons were already said anyway.
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Post by Autraya » Thu May 15, 2008 2:16 am

WhiteFoxX wrote:...Aut is haut.
tell me you weren't one of those watching my bewbs bounce out of my top when I raced up the stairs at Aurora con :sweat:
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Post by 8bit_samurai » Thu May 15, 2008 2:20 am

Autraya wrote:
WhiteFoxX wrote:...Aut is haut.
tell me you weren't one of those watching my bewbs bounce out of my top when I raced up the stairs at Aurora con :sweat:
I never been to a con. I never even been outta Alaska. It was a comment based off of the post(s) made in this thread.
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Post by sweetdeily » Thu May 15, 2008 6:33 am

I like anime cause I'm conforming to the non-conformists ^^;;;. But to be honest, I don't think your school assignment will go over so well- I speak from experience (teachers are generally disinterested in corner hobbies like anime) but if you've discussed it with your teacher then good luck.
To be honest there's a lot of crap that comes from anime, both in terms of fans and of general content, but I think that makes it all the better when you find the gems. Perhaps I like to art in terms of complilation and presentation. There's a beauty in the formula of anime- the competitions between the studios for seiyuu (japanese voice actors), the summary of a series you get from the intro (one usually has an incredible impression from simply watching that 1:30 song of whether you'll like or dislike what you're about to watch.) The developement between various studios and their animation style; this constant quest for the 'style that wins everyone' (notice some people don't like an anime simply cause its got certain character designs that are too short or too bright, etc...) and of course the ability to watch perfectly legal snuff (if you're into that sort of thing) and sex that is completely unbelievable yet forces you to not look away (Uritsukudoji is the best example I can think of off the top of my head.)
As a member of the exec of my local anime club I sort of think I should mention that it gives a lot of different people (read: introverts) a way to sort of get out and make new friends through things in common. ^.^;

Ah, Sukunai, do you actually listen to yourself before you open your mouth, or is it a normal event to come off sounding like a wannabe english student trying to pick an intelligent argument and failing like an idiot, or is that just your inability to pay attention to what others say showing through?
Now, I know better than most (read: ANYONE) how easy it is to take Aut's words the wrong way, but dude, seriously, get off your high horse and perhaps acknowledge when you're just trying to pick a fight.
I know that her picking Naruto of all series is a pain (after all, it's a great series) but being someone who's actually seen Naruto in Japanese, I fucking hate Narutards like the abasement of one of my favourite animes that they are. (It's Ka-ka-shi, not kaaakasshhhii >>>.<<<;;;;; friggin' 4kids!!!!) But what you don't seem to have gotten about what Aut said (omg, I'm defending what with who now?) was that she was using it as an example because it is a ready and more well known source of retard-ship than most.

Get over yourself, we're all socially inept, stop proving it.
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Sweetdeily: "you know he-man was a gay icon, right?"


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