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Post by -Taka- » Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:06 pm

En gros t'as tenté de faire un espèce de 2e magic pad, je ne pense pas que tu t'en sois tiré aussi bien qu'avec celui de l'an dernier. c'est beau mais je préfère de loin ton Magic Pad à celui-ci.

Mais c'est bien quand même ;) 9,5/10 ^^

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Post by West DM » Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:52 pm

As I long waited for it! When Nostromo at list will make something new! At viewing I felt the same chesspieces which inherent in its style... It is Flight! Beautiful... Color... Without limiting and dynamical! It was more tremendous! Has pleased that the clip at last had the such general styling an event on the screen... Simultaneously a minus in same... Is not present so that communication between slices of video which often appear on the screen... lipsing as that *½Ñó«* it was entered in a picture... But it was entered) As always Nostromo had in view of much prophetic in the clips... This not exception... And as always it has been given by hints and images... That has actually turned out very much even! And that it had in view of for certain precisely it knows only =) Well still to tell... Smaller I also did not expect from my favourite author... The only thing... It is not very a pity that I can view HD the version of this creation...
9.76 / 10.00

Sorry for my VERY bad english))))

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Post by -GfN- » Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:56 pm

while I think the video had a nice touch, it loses it's flow a little in the first 3 quarters, due to the song and the scene choice.
The last quarter is, except for the lip syncing, top notch.
what I do think did improve since magic pad is much more cleanness in integration and in general and I do not miss the scanlines at all :D

I'll settle with a 7/10

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Post by JaddziaDax » Wed Jul 09, 2008 5:12 pm

pretty scenes

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Post by leahzero » Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:10 pm

Just want to comment on the 60 FPS aspect.

The 60 FPS approach is interesting and I give you props for experimenting with it, but ultimately I think it actually detracts from the filmic quality of video. The motion is too deliberate and at times overwhelming. Overall it seems to have that high-speed camera, unprocessed, live action "TV" look, rather than a filmic one. For all the processing required to up the FPS, I think it actually comes across looking more "raw" and unprocessed this way compared to a film-quality video at 23.976 FPS (or even 29.97).

I also felt a little queasy at certain clips with lots of high-speed movement. Part of this likely stems from the fact that you're interpolating low-FPS sources with Twixtor, since high-FPS prerendered CG doesn't tend to have such problems. However, CG also makes use of other post techniques such as motion blur and depth of field to simulate the limitations of vision and direct the viewer's focus. I didn't notice much of that here, so many scenes came across as overly busy instead of focused and exhilirating.

60 FPS is a novel approach, but it needs refinement. Certainly interpolating footage this way may have some great uses, but as a general treatment for the video I don't think it succeeds. Again though, props for trying something new.

no rating/10

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Post by Flusel » Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:14 pm

I second this opinion on 60 FPS. I still really want to know which Anime the "water-scenes" are from. And I honestly would love to learn some hints about editing Anime-AMV from you, since I will begin to cut some on a high level, too. I think there are many great tutorials available here at but I also think many of them need some update in terms of h.264, Premiere Pro and what is possible today in terms of HD and Plugins. Maybe you can give us a little insight, I certainly don't want to try copy your style or something, but having some idea about using this professional software for such things would be really great.

// just found the making of, thanks!

// please, my after-poster, don't fullquote!
Last edited by Flusel on Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Serv0 » Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:15 pm

Niotex wrote:People keep bugging me about my opinion on this video.. So here go's..
This'll be a bit of a messy post so bare with me as I'm doing shit on the fly.


Redemption at last or so it seems. After the imo 2 lesser attempts on your part. I feel as if we've come full circle again, right back to where I like it. I think its a well known fact that I didn't care for Magic Pad nor HypnoStar and this is fine as you are free do edit as you please. The fact that people compare this to Magic Pad frustrates me more then you'd Imagen. As honestly IF this video needed to be compared to ANY your previous work it would have to be similar to Vectorman/Galaxy Bounce. And honestly.. That's where I'd rather see it.

I feel as if the video complimented the audio very well in terms of power and flow. But this is something you often seem to manage, so I'll leave it at that.

The actual editing bugged me here and there and I could tell there you had been limited by your tools. This isn't such a huge issue though, as based on your tool set you've done a more then exceptional job. And I might even go as far as to say that you gave me the impression of yourself being a masochist. As unless I'm unaware of a tracking plugin for Premiere, the pain of manually tracking text layers for the intro must have been painful. With that being said though I can't really believe that you did that manually. If you did then hands down.

As I've said a couple of times now I really enjoyed the video, but I can't help but feel awkward considering a few editing choices both scene as editing wise. My concern isn't really the different sources but more the inconsistency's that they bring. The main problem cuts for me were:
[Note these are the time codes I grabbed off 720@60 Making off] wrote:00:29;27/00:41;04 - Where this scene seems perfectly normal the speedup used makes it feel completely unnatural and thus simply out of place. I think a slight speed adjustment making it a little slower would have increased the flow dramatically.

01:02;01/01:03;51 - Motion feels WAY too chaotic compared to all the scenes before and after in this section. Although it really does demonstrate the power of 60fps it again breaks the flow for me.

01:11;14/01:11:50 - This random EF pop-up seems completely irrelevant to what has happened in the video so far. Again this could be a buildup for the usage of EF later on but it seems too random to me.

01:22;24/01:27;46 - The highly contrasted scroll bar or thick scanline that your using simply does not cut it here either. I would have loved to see some graphics to keep the eye entertained like you did at 00:50;29. Granted this could again have distracted from Nono's buildup so yeah.. I'm not quiet out on this one.

01:35;43/01:37;36 - Had you taken the time to mask the digi-book from Ergo then this shot would have been a money shot. And I really feel like you were lazy on this one.

01:43;18/01:44;23 - Although the motion in this scene works the character is again in no way related to anything that has come before. I think you could have done a little better job with the colors to make it "pop out" less then it currently is. As the Orange seems to bypass the original Red tint completely. I recommend bringing the saturation down a little before messing with the Red look. As this takes away most of the yellows that are causing this orange look.

01:50;30/01:55;56 - This scene doesn't bug me but I'm mentioning it none the less as the old film filter doesn't really fit. Mind you I think its from the source so I can't call you on that. But mentioned it regardless just in case.

02:47;09/02:49;24 - Green hue's is all I have to say..

02:49;25/02:51;17 - At first I just thought this felt completely off. Then when I actually looked at it a little closer I saw what I honestly found to be bad compositing.. You can only get away with so much but this is again one of those scenes that could have been a money shot.

03:21;37/03:25;25 - The Melody footage [the lines] is WAY too blurry.. And the upscale is sadly very noticeable in this shot. If your doing something like this I really do recommend doing your own line art as its not that hard to make. It would create a overall tighter shot during the transition.

03:45;54/03:46;48 - I fucking love Nono.. I mean seriously.. Not as much as JCD and Messi but G F'ing Damn I want her to give birth to my baby's! [ZS Also say's FOKYESH!@! to Nono] *cough* So with that out of the way.. What the fuck is up with the compression of your source there. I mean I realize its an upscale and that even with filtering it can be a hassle.. But this is one of the key shots in this sequence.. The least you could have done is touch it up in Paintshop Pro..

03:47;51/03:48;36 - Random YS footage.. This was like a sucker punch for me as I fucking love this action sequence.

04:17;14/04:18;26 - Multi screen Nono is a Nono.

04:24;14/04:26;05 - The upscaling of Nono and then again zooming in really shows the limits to dvd footage. And again this is a real shame as this is a good sequence. I recommend that if you do this dvd upscaling again and if you have a static shot like this again you touch it up. Like I noted its a static so you could've even completely vector it and.

04:45;34/04:47;38 - Although I do appreciate the extra effort in the lip syncing here it feels kinda weird. It's not bad but it isn't perfect either you know. Effort is appreciated though.
- 720p gimmick or valid?
People should get used to it. An increasing amount of anime is starting to become HD. And as our sources improve so should our video's. And despite some noticeable scenes here and there you made it allot more appealing for the general "public" to switch over as it really does make a huge difference. A interesting plus side to HD sources which sadly you didn't fully explore as much as I would have liked. The fact that you have more room do do stuff and more detailed and smaller stuff. Might be something worth looking into next time around.

- 60fps gimmick or valid?
I noticed allot of talk on this subject. And honestly those who say the human eye cant detect the doubled fps is a complete moron. 25/30 FPS is a standard set to achieve fluid motion by minimum means necessary. A good example of this would be a fast waving hand. On 24[film]/30[video] while its still fluid it still looks completely different. In reality the eye is allot more pleased with 50/60 fps as this is where the "average" limit is for them. I've been using a similar technique on my current video to achieve full fps rather then the 12 fps animation. And having seen it from both the editor as the viewers angle I can safely say this is something people should look into more. All the none believers should be shunned period.

The slight distorted frames that this method you used introduced aren't at all noticeable in motion unless you really pay attention to them. I've also come across them with the technique I use and sadly I cant seem to find a work around for it. So keeping them as limited as you did deserves props.
Noticeable 60Fps scenes wrote: 00:18;04/00:25;23
Actually fuck that pretty much the entire video displays it just fine no need for me to actually list timecodes and such.. On we go shall we?

Auriga Making of
Wewt I've always enjoy these in general and where as I was actually expecting a bland making of video it was a interesting treat on its own. Its kind of like how "Syncer Thingers" can be just as entertaining as the actual video. Very stylish again in its own way and thus very enjoyable to watch.

I like the layout you used to display what/where and in some cases "how". Though I would have liked to see more of the how. Or at least a better comparison for the difference between 30/60 fps. As I'm sure more people would appreciate the extra work put into it.

Final word
I probably forgot allot as I was writing this.. In short I actually really enjoyed this video and it is for me personally one of the most enjoyable video's I've seen so far this year. Along with that I think this is my first overall positive review I've done all year so its a win win situation for everyone. This video has also been the final drop in the bucket for me to actually get off my ass and get a HDMI cable for my HDTV. As I used to stream stuff over the network the 60fps version simply wouldn't hold up in the action sequences. Granted the 30fps version works fine but yeah.. not the full deal.

Awesome Poes good etc etc

The Elitist Hikikomori gives this video..

I might edit this into a op lateron =ω=.
This is probably the most pretentious review I've seen for the past month. Bravo you pretentious puts.

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Post by Garridy » Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:22 pm

Its not a sequel. :evil:
It is its own video. Seriously stop the comparisons lol.

Anyways, I really enjoyed this one. A few parts that bugged me but overall it was some real sexy stuff.
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Post by Chiikaboom » Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:54 pm

Garridy wrote:Its not a sequel. :evil:
It is its own video. Seriously stop the comparisons lol.
Nowadays, no one can watch an amv without comparing it to something. :|
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Post by NS » Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:59 pm

/getz because all the commotion, why... A guy just has to.


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