Crap, you figured out my method!!!Koopiskeva wrote:
It's cause it's only actually 3 minutes. He coded it to skip time. Making it seem like it's an 8 minute file, but it's only 3. Plus, he stole your wallet while you were watching.
I find that funny cause most of the time I say I suck and you still call me the king >.<Kitsuner wrote: You give a guy a crown, and it just goes straight to his head.
no pressure... i only make one video a year I actually see as "good".Voidses_ wrote:Koopiskeva wrote:It's cause it's only actually 3 minutes. He coded it to skip time. Making it seem like it's an 8 minute file, but it's only 3. Plus, he stole your wallet while you were watching.Pwolf wrote:
I'm awesome?
Now that makes sense
It's good to se someone focusing on the editing and scenes instead of just sp.effects in every frame and making good vids at the same time. Gives me a little courage to realese my own AMV (my old ones su** dont bother with them )
Do you feel the pressure from the crown? You do know it mens your next one must be better then the last ? lol
glad you liked it. Now go watch Macross :OMeteor Dragon wrote: Just saw the vid...took a while to need to go watch macross now. I love this vid...enjoyed the atmosphere overall. One of the better vids I've seen lately GJ