- Beseinen Stalker
- Joined: Mon May 15, 2006 3:21 pm
- Location: In Hotohori's and Sesshomaru's arms
sorry i forgot to close it off by saying that kirara is older.......though i would like to say now that i havn't finished watching the entire series,(even thou i have read alot of summeris and screenshots.
if something is spelled wrong or whatever, iwould like to point out that i am very ill....thank you!! you've been a good audience so i would like to declare you husband and demon! you may kiss my butt as i walk out the door!
not going to anyone in particular
if something is spelled wrong or whatever, iwould like to point out that i am very ill....thank you!! you've been a good audience so i would like to declare you husband and demon! you may kiss my butt as i walk out the door!
not going to anyone in particular

- Super Shanko
- Joined: Sat Dec 27, 2003 1:27 am
- Location: Still Lost
Since that time with Inuyasha's age i had to think about it, Im gonna say Inuyasha, this because when there was a flashback with Sango first getting Kirara, she(Kirara) seemed alot smaller, like a kitten. and about Inuyasha, even without the time on the tree, he is still half demon so he must pretty old to boot considering Sesshoumaru was the same when he had that war with the panther demons around the time Inuyasha was asleep.
Life is but a dream.....So what happens when you wake up?
- Scioneer
- Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2005 5:17 pm
- Location: in "Tinyhell" Georgia
- Beseinen Stalker
- Joined: Mon May 15, 2006 3:21 pm
- Location: In Hotohori's and Sesshomaru's arms
I guess we are just going to leave it as a tie until i watch the episode over(I tape the episodes od adult swim)Scioneer wrote:its Kirara
I though Midoriko was killed centries before Kikyo was in the picture. I'll have to rewatch the ep when they find Midoriko's cave. it my turn?

- Beseinen Stalker
- Joined: Mon May 15, 2006 3:21 pm
- Location: In Hotohori's and Sesshomaru's arms
I guess it is my turn............Well its kinda hard for me to think of a question cause i like to make hard questions. If I make an easy one then the people at 'Noobs r us' might laugh at me.......oh well
In what movie is Koga in? (not a flashback or little tiny weeny shot but i mean at least 1/4 of the movie)
In what movie is Koga in? (not a flashback or little tiny weeny shot but i mean at least 1/4 of the movie)

- Brigid
- Joined: Thu May 26, 2005 8:51 pm
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Actually, there isn't anything in the manga to suggest that Kirara fought along side Midoriko. (The flashback bit with Kirara in the anime episodes explaining the origins of the jewel were added.) Oh, and Midoriko 'died' 500 years before Inuyasha's present.
Inuyasha is developmentally about 16-17. His actual age has been estimated to be about 150 (not counting the 50 years on the tree). Kagome is 15+, Miroku and Sango are about 18 or a little older, and Shippo's age has (as far as I know) never been specified in the series but I've heard assertions that he's in his 50's or 60's (developmentally about 7). Kirara, who knows.
So with the characters who's ages we know or can readily guess Inuyasha is the oldest. Kirara may or may not be but that's speculation.
Of course, if you're going to count Myoga, then he's the oldest.
Inuyasha is developmentally about 16-17. His actual age has been estimated to be about 150 (not counting the 50 years on the tree). Kagome is 15+, Miroku and Sango are about 18 or a little older, and Shippo's age has (as far as I know) never been specified in the series but I've heard assertions that he's in his 50's or 60's (developmentally about 7). Kirara, who knows.
So with the characters who's ages we know or can readily guess Inuyasha is the oldest. Kirara may or may not be but that's speculation.
Of course, if you're going to count Myoga, then he's the oldest.
I am a rabid Inuyasha fangirl! Fear me!
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Check out my videos! <a href=" ... 425041">In my profile.</a>
- Beseinen Stalker
- Joined: Mon May 15, 2006 3:21 pm
- Location: In Hotohori's and Sesshomaru's arms
If you really think about it, Kirara is the most mysterious person of the Inu-tachi ,which consist of InuYasha, Kagome, Shippo, Sango, Miroku and occasionably Myouga. For most peoplethey explain alot of things behind them whether its the anime or manga. There has a bit-and-bit about Kirara but not much. The most I know about her(this is from the character section in my site):
Episode appearence:
Neko youkai: Cat Demon
Name meaning:
(sound) rocks sparking
Sango's pet
age:not known
apearence description:
kitty form:small/petite golden-yellow cat with two tails, red eyes with black slits, little black slashes on tails and paws. black ears. black cross like shape on forehead
big kitty form:Same as kitty but giant. Larger fangs. When flying there are flames on her paws and tails.
abilities/powers:Flight, catlike abilities, resistance against fire
Hisory:Kirara used to be the partner of the powerful priestess Midoriko, who is the creater of the shikon no tama, while helping her fight in a war against demons that lasted years. When Midoriko 'died', Kirara stayed on outside of her grave, which was the cave she fought in, determind to protect it. not that many knew what happend to her afterwards but a group of people came to the cave and found the shikon jewel but it was too powerful for them, but thats another story.
One day Sangos father(who has no name for the moment) found Kirara one day(we don't how he might have tamed her) and gave her to a very young Sango and she, as well as her younger brother Kohaku, became very fond of her immediatly.
Presesnt:Kirara and her Taijiya partner, Sango, are on a quest with the rest of the InuYasha gang to defeat Naraku. Kirara would like nothing more than to see her other owner and friend, Kohaku, home instead of being a brainless puppet and to see her loving bestfriend happy.
My website is not up yet but to go along with this I had some pictures in this page to help explain.
one reason why my site isn't up yet is that I'm checking info so that as soon as i open that i don't get any flaming e-mails
Episode appearence:
Neko youkai: Cat Demon
Name meaning:
(sound) rocks sparking
Sango's pet
age:not known
apearence description:
kitty form:small/petite golden-yellow cat with two tails, red eyes with black slits, little black slashes on tails and paws. black ears. black cross like shape on forehead
big kitty form:Same as kitty but giant. Larger fangs. When flying there are flames on her paws and tails.
abilities/powers:Flight, catlike abilities, resistance against fire
Hisory:Kirara used to be the partner of the powerful priestess Midoriko, who is the creater of the shikon no tama, while helping her fight in a war against demons that lasted years. When Midoriko 'died', Kirara stayed on outside of her grave, which was the cave she fought in, determind to protect it. not that many knew what happend to her afterwards but a group of people came to the cave and found the shikon jewel but it was too powerful for them, but thats another story.
One day Sangos father(who has no name for the moment) found Kirara one day(we don't how he might have tamed her) and gave her to a very young Sango and she, as well as her younger brother Kohaku, became very fond of her immediatly.
Presesnt:Kirara and her Taijiya partner, Sango, are on a quest with the rest of the InuYasha gang to defeat Naraku. Kirara would like nothing more than to see her other owner and friend, Kohaku, home instead of being a brainless puppet and to see her loving bestfriend happy.
My website is not up yet but to go along with this I had some pictures in this page to help explain.

- KagomeSakuraMoon
- Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2004 11:46 pm
- Location: Feudal Japan with Inuyasha!
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I think Koga was in the first movie if I remember right. So did I get it right??
Sesshoumaru-Luvs-Rin!! <--that is my offical page! Please stop by sometime! <--that is my offical page! Please stop by sometime!
- Super Shanko
- Joined: Sat Dec 27, 2003 1:27 am
- Location: Still Lost
- Beseinen Stalker
- Joined: Mon May 15, 2006 3:21 pm
- Location: In Hotohori's and Sesshomaru's arms
we already decided that it was a tie cause no one knows any exact age, but the tie is mostly going to Kirara.Super Shanko wrote:Wait a second, im alittle confused here, who has the immediate question going here, or is it still on Kirara?
I asked a question: In what movie was Koga in?
and nobody got it right yet. only one guess per person since there aren't that many movies