Well, despite what a cluster fuck the amv contest was I still had a good time. The convention didn't hold a candle to AX's gone by, but it's nice when you're with friends who can make the best out of any situation.
I was actually on the balcony near the guy who threw the infamous screen piercing paper airplane. He had a running start and tossed it really hard. When it hit the screen I think he was kind of shocked, then turned around and hauled ass out of the theatre. LOL
I'd also like to say thanks to everyone who cheered for my video, it made me all warm and fuzzy inside

I have to agree that the comedy category was a bit weak compared to last year. If it had been up against the magnitude of last years entries I doubt it would have been in the top two. Never-the-less, I couldn't have asked for better feedback.
Congratulations to all the winners, they deserved it!