Off Topic Section Removed

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Post by Arigatomina » Thu Dec 11, 2003 12:16 am

trythil wrote:And a butterfly flapping its wings in China can cause a hurricane in Texas. Fine, I get it. Cause and effect chains.The problem is that you can't do that here. You have one event and you want to hypothesize in six different directions based on that. It doesn't work.
If I had said this would happen and this would happen because Phade did this then you would be right. If I had made specific claims and predicted specific events without the shadow of a doubt based on what's happened so far, I would be absolutely inconclusive and basing my theorys on unproven chains - and you would be right. But to say there will be no splash after Phade drops a 5lb rock into the water is just plain odd. It must be the slipperiest, most water resistent and narrow rock in the world to go in without creating some sort of ripple. I'm not that optimistic.

I think you're getting something from me that I didn't intend, Dwchang woudl know what I mean here - misunderstanding. I don't think I can predict specific events beyond a shadow of the doubt. What I said was that Phade wants change, I thought he made that clear in his post. Things went wrong, and he was trying to fix that. If deleting the OT forum changed nothing, then why did he bother to do it? That would make no sense. Are you honestly saying he did it just to annoy people rather than to change a situation that he felt was bad? If not, then yes, he did it to effect a change, and I would like to know about this change.

My previous examples were all to illustrate that changes do happen, even from seemingly minor things. My reference to the forums was not a reference to this one - that was my fault for not explaining that the two forums being compared were nearly identical - they were even both for the same fandom, both starting with the same seemingly minor rule. And since I made that connection and prediction years ago, I can honestly say that yes, the second one followed the path of the first just like I warned people it would. I don't make claims unless I have something to base them off of. The only reason I even mentioned it was because you said there were no patterns in life, and that Phade's move would change nothing. Again, my point was - everything changes things, even small seemingly insignificant things can effect huge changes in people's lives. And yes, this does change things. Maybe not as much as Phade would like, but that's where my questions come in.

What's the point of deleting OT to get rid of useless members if you don't want other members to be more useful? What's the point of punishing useless members if you don't want to encourage others to be more useful? How do you expect members to be more useful if you don't tell them what useful means? How do you expect people to care about being useful if they aren't even allowed to ask what useful means? How do you expect people to care about the community if they have no idea what the community means?

There is a mission statement on the main page that clearly explains what the purpose of the site is. But that can't be taken for the forums - not when there are still sections for general talk about Anime and Music. Which means the goal is slightly different for the forum - what harm is there in asking for another, slightly varied mission statement for this section of the community? And why are you getting so upset over a few simple, honest questions - the answers for which would hurt no one, and quite possibly help give Phade the behavior he wants from 'useful' members?

Call me inquisitive, but I'd rather ask then sit in ignorance without at least trying to learn. And if I didn't think others might possibly benefit from the answers, I'd never bother to ask them in public.

[MOD359]The goal is not different for the forums. In case you hadn't noticed, AMVs generally use both Anime and Music. Hence, discussion about those two things is often relevant to the discussion of AMVs. Someone might hear of a series they hadn't seen before in General Anime, and decide to do a video to it, or have an artist recommended to them in General Music. These things are all relevant to AMV making, but don't necessarily belong in General AMV.

In the coming weeks we will be cracking down on stupid threads in General Anime. There's far too much garbage being posted there, and it needs to stop.

Half the reason for the removal of the OT forums is that they were detracting from the rest of the site. Useful people were leaving because the OT forums were bringing in the kind of useless people which make the site unenjoyable for those who chose not to tolerate their shinanigans. Removing those people makes the site more useful, because more useful people will be around.

By directing forum discussions at this site back to being more AMV-oriented, we make the forums a better resource for AMV making. If someone wants help, the more helpful people around to answer their questions the better. The forum has always been about being a resource and community for AMV creators and viewers, not anything else. For a time that "anything else" was tolerated because it used to serve as a place where AMV creators and viewers could go to have meaningful discussions, a place where they could chat about things they felt were important but didn't have to do with AMVs directly.

Over time that purpose was lost under the sea of spam that was generated, and they became so abhorrent to people who wanted to do something constructive that they just left altogether. If this site's purpose is to catalog every AMV and be a resource to AMV creators, driving useful members of the community away and making this site a less friendly place for them is not the best way to go about this.

Is this being unfair to the people who used to post in Off Topic? Perhaps. They, however, abused the system and chose to turn the forum into some sort of game. And, in general, as Phade said in his original post, these people are ones "who are not really contributing to world of anime music videos."

So, no, removing Off Topic is not going against this site's mission, it is reinforcing it. Maybe some day, if Phade feels they will serve a useful purpose again, Off Topic will return. But until then they are gone, and arguing about it is not going to get you anywhere. If you want to ask Phade questions, mail him directly, and please do not clutter this thread anymore.

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Post by NineBirds » Thu Dec 11, 2003 2:48 pm

Jesus H. Christ on a stick, what is up with all this whining?
  • Phade's site, his rules. You don't like it, leave. There's no reason to get your panties in a twist because your favorite spam board was taken down. You find another one. For the love of God, the Internet is a rather big place. If you can't find another happy forum to post you're either lazy orn an anal-retentive loser. It not like the Off-Topic forums were completely different from every other forum on the net or they had some extra-special fairy magic that will never, ever be replicated as long as you live. Move on already.
  • You miss chatting with your friends? Use an IM program or email. This isn't hard. A retarded monkey can do it. Of course, given the quality of some of the posts on OT I'm wondering if some of the whiners are even up to that level . . .
  • OMG BUTT EYE GAVE $$$ TO THE SIT + NOW EYE N33D CTRL OVR IT!11!! Um, no. It's a donation, not a grant. You give the money because you trust Phade will use it to improve the site--you can't hold it as an axe over his head because you chose to donate. No one made you. If you don't like how he runs it, don't donate in the future, don't visit the site. You'll miss out on one of the best AMV databases on the net and the local downloads, but you'll get the satisfaction of withholding your $12 because mean ol' Phade didn't let you spam away on the forums.
  • Get a life. This is highly unimportant shit in the scheme of things. You want to bitch and moan like Phade just nuked a country, go ahead. But recognize that it shows off either gaping holes in your life or an amazingly screwed up list of priorities. It's a freakin' Internet forum. That's all it is. If the relationships that you've formed here are so strong you should be able to keep them up outside of the forum, anyway.
Don't you hate it when people describe something as "cute" when they really mean "God, I want to fuck that"?

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Post by mexicanjunior » Thu Dec 11, 2003 8:40 pm

[MOD359]Half the reason for the removal of the OT forums is that they were detracting from the rest of the site. Useful people were leaving because the OT forums were bringing in the kind of useless people which make the site unenjoyable for those who chose not to tolerate their shinanigans. Removing those people makes the site more useful, because more useful people will be around.
You know, originally I thought the main reason off topic was removed was because the mods were tired of babysitting the OT threads, which I can respect. Now that I see the main reason was because it pushed away former big name creators and Phade wanted them makes me think it was removed for all the wrong reasons. :?

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Post by Nappy » Thu Dec 11, 2003 10:08 pm

[MOD359]Half the reason for the removal of the OT forums is that they were detracting from the rest of the site. Useful people were leaving because the OT forums were bringing in the kind of useless people which make the site unenjoyable for those who chose not to tolerate their shinanigans. Removing those people makes the site more useful, because more useful people will be around.
I think they made the site enjoyable for those who can tolerate shinanigans >_> Maybe said people should have stayed out of OT if they didn't like it so much, and just didn't read the comments of those they considered "useless" if they happened to go into another forum. If that's the reason, we are sure doing alot of cater to a few "useful" ppl who left, and to make this site enjoyable to many. I don't even know who these ppl are anyways <_< Last I read about "big names" leaving, was because of the ratings system.

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Post by SnhKnives » Fri Dec 12, 2003 12:18 am

well, sadly i will miss the OT and WOT forums, seeing as how they always made me laugh and i would always find out some good information. Like when someone would post a good news article i hadnt seen yet. Or when someone would try to get a gunbound group of AMVers together. I do regret i didnt spend enough time in other forums...but there was nothing ever interesting in the other forums. It was always " who here likes trigun?" or other boring topics. The only reason i even come to this forum often was because of them. I met some good people there. I am almost done with my AMV and want to post it in the announcements section and such, i was hoping some of the people from OT of WOT would watch it. however it seems like most of them are moving. Just my opinion

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Post by asrrin29 » Fri Dec 12, 2003 12:52 am

I respect you, I agree with most of your pionts, and I don't mind that you think highly of yourself, I am the same way :D. BUT, by continuing these long posts, you just give that ignorant jbone more to whine about. I suggest, as a friend, that you be the better person and just ignore him. It will piss him off a whole lot more :D

J-0080 wrote:Oh yes, these "elite" sound ever so much nicer.
jbone wrote:Because they are the moderators, and they were appointed by Phade to help keep the site exactly as he and they desire it to be. ^_^
just one little thing before I ignore you, you claimed that the mods where the "elite" you speak of. how come they are not rushing to your defence? ummm...ya... :roll:
[MOD359: Because we're supposed to be impartial and fair to all, regardless of how much we may think Hatter's a moron and jBone is a cool guy.
Note that this view does not represent the beliefs or policies of the staff or management. Not officially anyway.]

[MOD467: I would just like to add that not all of the staff or management endorse jbone and his actions or are elitist pricks. Some do though.]
Look at me! Look at me! I posted in WOT so I must be evil!!! [/sarcasm]

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Post by Jimmyen » Fri Dec 12, 2003 3:47 am

As someone who does his level best to stay on the very fringes of the "AMV Community" at the best of times, will someone please explain to me why it is impossible for anyone who disagrees with the way this site is run to stop visiting and/or create an alternative?

In fact, based on what I know of this site's mission statement, the very worst thing you could actually do if you wanted to "get back" at Phade for all his perceived crimes against you would be to simply up and leave. The database would be rendered incomplete.

I'd like to know why everyone seems hell-bent on creating a class-war drama instead.

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Post by Arigatomina » Fri Dec 12, 2003 5:01 am

[MOD359]The goal is not different for the forums...

In the coming weeks we will be cracking down on stupid threads in General Anime. There's far too much garbage being posted there, and it needs to stop.[/quote]

Thank you for replying. You've cleared up a lot of questions I had, especially concerning GA and the things that are posted in that section. I'll let you get on with it in peace.

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Post by Flint the Dwarf » Fri Dec 12, 2003 5:37 am

I'm not trying to argue OT, I'm just curious...

I'd like a response from Ermac and/or you other members who left the Org because of the "inane drivel" that permeated the OT forums.

Ermac, you said you started hating the forums, right? Now, did all the junk in OT really drift up into GA and GAMV at all? I'm seriously asking this, because I don't think I would have noticed it even if it had primarily because none of that ever bugged me. Or are you saying that with the fall of OT all the stupid n00bs have left, thereby ridding the higher forums of much stupidity?

Basically, my question (and I'm not criticizing anyone here) is why you couldn't just ignore the OT forums. In the case of the mods I understand perfectly, but in the case of those members that are bugged by such randomness and pointlessness... I don't quite understand. :?
Kusoyaro: We don't need a leader. We need to SHUT UP. Make what you want to make, don't make you what you don't want to make. If neither of those applies to you, then you need to SHUT UP MORE.

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Post by Arigatomina » Fri Dec 12, 2003 5:59 am

flint_the_dwarf wrote:Basically, my question (and I'm not criticizing anyone here) is why you couldn't just ignore the OT forums. In the case of the mods I understand perfectly, but in the case of those members that are bugged by such randomness and pointlessness... I don't quite understand. :?
It's like having a box of chocolate sitting in the hall - you have to walk past the ants on the way to the kitchen. So, get rid of the chocolate so you don't have to step on the ants on your way through. You just hope they don't invade the kitchen next.


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