This entire AMV had to be exported as Uncompressed RGB because about two weeks before it was completed, Premiere suddenly decided that it couldn't export frame 5879 (or something thereabouts, pretty much exactly halfway through) using my HuffYUV codec - crashed big time. My credits also could not be exported using Huff - Premiere balked at frame 1, which is just plain black video. I'm starting to think my codec got corrupted or something, although this is not the first time I have developed bizarre export problems.
I probably should have referenced
this thread before now, regarding the problem I had with the red text. The images in about the 11th post down are from frames taken directly from the timeline and were not scaled up or down for exhibition purposes. You can see that the quality of the text was extraordinarily low from the start - MP4ization actually did not affect that to any appreciable extent. As a comparison and proof that there's nothing messed up with Titler per se, the text in the news cast segment also was created in Premiere, but it looks exactly like vector text should look, apparently because it's not red.
This is also a good opportunity to mention that MP4ization almost completely wiped out the deliberate noise I added to the entire news cast scene. If anyone was paying extremely close attention and wondered at the supposedly slight drop in video quality during that segment, what you're seeing is the remnants of that noise (it looked funnier with noise...that backfired on me too, but in a different way).
Minion wrote:didn't really catch my interest at all.
i thought the segway into the 'live news' part was pulled off well though
What, the part with no lyrics where Vincent shows up, etc? That's actually the scene that created 'Bustin - it's the one I pictured when this AMV first occurred to me and it was the one I used to "test" whether Advent Children would cooperate with this song. It worked with flying colors, got me started on this project and is still my favorite part. Glad you liked it too. ^_^ (and if I misinterpreted the segway, let me know)
Minion wrote:This was fun but did slip off target a few times. The smooth and professional use of magazine covers and other parts to build up a 'bigger story' feel was excellent but this contrasted with the hazy storytelling in other parts.
I am looking forward to future projects where a giant element of cheese is not involved, because I was frustrated more than a few times by wanting to get more elaborate with the graphics/effects but not wanting to pull the rug out from under Advent Children - making the video footage hold its own with this song was very important to me, as was not getting TOO "professional" looking with the overall AMV. Hopefully future endeavors will let me push the envelope more, although I expect there will always be something getting in my way (starting with a six-year-old computer that can't handle more elaborate effects...).
Again, thank you everyone for the feedback! I didn't get the chance to get much of it while making this AMV, so I really appreciate the opportunity to get some now.