EXP Con IV - October 21-23, St. Augustine, FL AMV Contest

Announcement & discussion of Anime Music Video contests
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EXP Con IV - October 21-23, St. Augustine, FL AMV Contest

Post by EXP-Ryan » Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:35 pm

EXP Con 2011 Anime Music Video Contest

The EXP Con Anime Music Video Contest is an opportunity for everyone, from amateurs to professionals, to showcase their video editing talent! Anime Music Videos or AMV's for short, are videos composed of anime and/or video game footage, set to music, creating a fan made music video. The videos will be screened and trophies and prizes will be presented the weekend of the convention. The Contest and Screening of winners and other Judge’s picks will be 10am on Saturday of the convention.


Please note that these categories are only guidelines and that there may or may not be a winner selected for a certain category. There will be a Best in Show for both Novice and Pro. Any other awards for certain categories will be given at the judge’s discretion. We reserve the option to make up an award and put it on a trophy to give to you at the event. Best in Show can also win a ‘Best of’ Category trophy.

The categories are as follows:


Note: “Comedy” refers to comedic AMV’s in all forms, while “Parody” specifically refers to videos of a satirical imitative nature (ie, television commercials, movie trailers, etc.). The Novice Category is open to only editors who have not won a “Best of “award (Best of Show, Best Comedy, Best Technical, etc.). Honorable Mentions are still allowed under the Novice category, and purely internet contests are not counted as official awards. The “Pro” Category is open only to specific editors that have won an award previously.

Rules For Submission:

All entries must be received by 12:01 am on Friday, October 1, 2011 to provide adequate time for judging.

All entries must have premiered no earlier than October of 2010.

Each entry will be limited to a maximum length of seven (7) minutes.

Only three (3) entries will be accepted per individual.

Entries may not be smaller than 640x480, and may not run at a slower speed than 23.97 frames per second.

The preferred formats for AMV submissions are Xvid (AVI) and MPEG-4, but MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and Divx will also be accepted. We will not be accepting WMV, RM, RAM, RA, or FLV formats. If you need help converting your WMV videos to another format, please use the following guide: http://www.wikihow.com/convert-.wmv-to-.avi-legally.

To ensure that your video plays at its best, please include two seconds of blank footage before your video begins.

Entries will be disqualified for inappropriate content, including but not limited to nudity, graphic sexual content, excessive violence, and excessive foul language. The judge’s decision on disqualification is final, so if you are concerned about the content of your video, please censor it on your own before submitting it. As a general guideline, all entries should fall within an MPAA rating of PG-13 or lower. You can learn about this rating here: http://www.mpaa.org/flmrat_ratings.asp


Mail-in Submissions should be sent to the following address: Coming Soon.

Electronic Submissions are preferred. We recommend the website http://www.yousendit.com for files under 100mb and http://www.transferbigfiles.com/ for files over 100mb. Please send the file to the email address Ryan_Sweat@expcon.org

Please include in your mail-in submission or in a separate email the following information:

Full Name
Email Address
Number of Entries
Attending the Convention or Not ( Y/N)

Information to include for each individual entry:

File Name
Title of AMV
Song Title
Artist of Song
Date Premiered

Thank you for your interest and good luck this year! The awards will be awesome.

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Re: EXP Con IV - October 21-23, St. Augustine, FL AMV Contes

Post by drewaconclusion » Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:44 pm

Deadline's sneaking up on us isn't it?

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Re: EXP Con IV - October 21-23, St. Augustine, FL AMV Contes

Post by meleechampion » Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:55 am

Did anyone from this site attend/submit? I was at the con Saturday but didn't get there early enough to see the contest.

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Re: EXP Con IV - October 21-23, St. Augustine, FL AMV Contes

Post by Shin-AMV » Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:01 pm

meleechampion wrote:Did anyone from this site attend/submit? I was at the con Saturday but didn't get there early enough to see the contest.
I submitted some stuff but haven't heard anything results wise yet. Only thing was a few comments on my youtube channel about how they were upset Written in the Spirals didn't win anything, but were happy that Safety Dance placed, but I've had comments congratulate me on non-existent wins or lament at how I didn't win when I did, so its still up in the air lol.

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Re: EXP Con IV - October 21-23, St. Augustine, FL AMV Contes

Post by Shin-AMV » Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:50 am

Someone PMed this to me on youtube this morning.


I recognized some of the names/videos of active forumgoers here so these people made it into the "elite 8" as they called it:
In no particular order.
Kitty and Galia

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Re: EXP Con IV - October 21-23, St. Augustine, FL AMV Contes

Post by mxchibandit » Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:23 pm

Thanks so much for posting this! This is so cool, to see a video of my video being played like that!

Even if he lost my name, ahaha.

Congrats to all the winners!

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Re: EXP Con IV - October 21-23, St. Augustine, FL AMV Contes

Post by Shin-AMV » Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:32 pm

mxchibandit wrote:Thanks so much for posting this! This is so cool, to see a video of my video being played like that!

Even if he lost my name, ahaha.

Congrats to all the winners!
haha yeah I was waiting to hear either my real name or nickname announced but the closest it got was 'that person' or 'that editor', but thats k. :P

Its always nice to hear whoops, claps, and audience reactions. :)

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Re: EXP Con IV - October 21-23, St. Augustine, FL AMV Contes

Post by drewaconclusion » Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:35 pm

The"elite 8" huh? Do we have to hand out badges if someone beats us in a future amv contest? :ying:

On another note, congratulations to everyone!

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Re: EXP Con IV - October 21-23, St. Augustine, FL AMV Contes

Post by meleechampion » Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:35 am

Aw dang, sounds cool. Glad you guys could show it some love, Florida AMV contests are dying IMO...

*only blame myself for not editing more*

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Re: EXP Con IV - October 21-23, St. Augustine, FL AMV Contes

Post by SammySamaProductions » Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:51 am

OMG i won???? *faints* This is my first win ever!!! thanks so much for posting the link ^_^ you have made my day!!!!!!!!!

I am curious as to the total count of entries for this contest though...


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