Adobe education store Discount (ends Oct 9th!)

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Adobe education store Discount (ends Oct 9th!)

Post by Kanti13 » Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:59 pm

10% off orders over $375. Adobe Education Store
So CS5.5 Master Collection is $810 (as opposed to $2,600 retail)
Or you could buy Premiere Pro and AE together for $630.

If you're a student, even without the 10% off, I highly recommend buying your adobe products before you graduate if you ever intend to (buy them).
Normal education price for AE is $350, Photoshop Extended is $200. Beats the heck out of $1,000! And there are no restrictions on the software, it's fully functional.
All they require is a picture of your student ID if it lists the semester or year. If not then also anything else indicating that you're currently a student. Teachers and staff are eligible too (including high school).
I'll be graduating soon and I just bought the Master Collection for like 1/3 of the normal price :awesome:


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