Hosted by: Brad - Co-coordinated by: Nessephanie
Judged by: Aerialesque, Zarxrax, MimS, Prodigi, Godix & Pwolf
BRACKET 1 - Kikai Saigono vs. Silk_SK
BRACKET 2 - Radical_Yue vs. Magnus
BRACKET 3 - Chiikaboom vs. Riccardocasu
96 people began this tournament. 90 people have been knocked out. 6 people remain. 3 males and 3 females. 3 from the U.S., 1 from Canada, 1 from Sweden and 1 from Italy. This round will determine who goes on to the finals. The finals will consist of a 3-way match-up with 1 elimination, ending up in a single head-to-head match to determine our first place winner.
But first, the elephant in the room. This tournament started back near the end of March 2011. We're coming up on the beginning of February 2012. And given the way things have had a tendency to go, I can imagine a scenario where we don't finish this thing up until March (though obviously I'd prefer that that didn't happen), thusly making this a YEAR LONG tournament. Quite surprising considering HALF of all of the matches were in the first round, and that was complete in one month. Now I understand that that had a lot to do with it being new so it had a bunch of momentum and hype. I also understand that not only did most other people sort of lose that momentum, but myself as well. I've said it already but I will say it again, I do apologize for not keeping up on this more regularly.
Now that the sort-of-melodrama is out of the way, let's get down to business. While this primarily concerns the 6 remaining contestants, feel free to read along and comment accordingly.
So for each round thus far, the matches have gone like this. You put together a list of anime sources, I have a song stashed away assigned to your match, we roll a dice to see what source you get, you prep it, I give you the song, you edit to it immediately, and boom we're done. Well this time around, we're switching it up.
For round 5, each pair of editors will be editing with the SAME SOURCE and DIFFERENT SONGS.
(keep in mind when I say that, I do mean a different source for each PAIR. So, 3 matches, 3 sources, 6 different songs)
I will be providing you the source you will be editing with. You will watch it, prep it for editing, THEN, you will come up with THREE different songs that you think would make an interesting video.
Now, in order to keep things fair and avoid cheating (as most of the rules are based on the fact that because this is all performed online, I can't know for sure that you're not just pre-editing videos. Obviously, I would TRUST that nobody would do this, but without rules to disallow that, it'd be too easy for other people to call foul), the three songs you pick and the three songs your opponent pick will be put into a list of SIX songs. Then, when it comes time for you to edit, I will roll a dice to see what song you get. So you could either end up with a song that you picked out, or one your opponent picked out.
We did this in the last two tournaments for the semifinal round, with arguably mixed results. A lot of people speculated that one person could take a gamble and throw some really terrible unfitting song into the mix, with the hopes that their opponent would get it. Now, I'm not going to police your selections really hard because I know that everybody has different tastes in music. However, I DO want you all to just be sportsmanlike about it and not just send me an audio file of you farting into your mic. If I deem a song is simply ridiculous and troll-y, I will make a judgment call and make you choose another one.
So when it comes to choosing your 3 songs, just be cool. Pick good songs. Let your editing ability be the thing that proves yourself rather than a gamble.
NOW!! What VIDEO sources am I gonna be forcing upon you guys... I will admit, this is why I've been quite excited about this round. For some of you this'll be great, some might think it's the lamest thing ever, other's will be indifferent. Nevertheless, each pair of contestants will be editing with...

But BRAD! That's not ANIME!
Meh... They're animated. Deal with it. Since this isn't being uploaded to the Org, I figure what the hell. Mix it up a little.
As many of you know, I am a comic book nerd, but that doesn't change the fact that DC has been KILLING it in world of animated films. That being said, I can understand if some of you might turn a snub nose to these movies, but nevertheless, that's what you're using! Now to avoid any ideas of collusion or whatever, I did not pre-assign specific sources to the matches. I have a list of 5 movies that I am pulling from, and will be rolling dice to see who gets what. To make sure I'm being fair, I will abstain from rolling for now until people tell me whether or not they want me to actually roll in a chat room with them or something. Or I could record a video of myself doing it or whatever.
Once you have your assigned source, I will be providing it to you. So no need to rush out and buy the DVD (unless you want to. They're great movies)
Well, I think that about wraps it up! Oh, there's a couple other misc. notes.
- The Brackets. As of right now, they're not up-to-date. This is due to me being a total dummy and saving over the full original PSD with the thumbnail version. I do have a backup layered version, but it's quite old so I'm going to have to re-fill in most of the names and flags, and I just don't feel like doing that right now.
- Episode 6. I was planning on having it up this weekend as a way to reveal all this stuff (in fact, most of the notes in this thread are from my script), but I just didn't get around to it. I will try to get to it sometime this week.