Smashing Pumpkins with Casshern/Casshan
- Joined: Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:45 pm
Smashing Pumpkins with Casshern/Casshan
I'm really trying to not make too many Casshan videos, because I've already made like 5, and you can only use a single animated feature film that's 90 or so minutes so many times. However I recently came up with an idea for yet another one *facepalm*. That being said, I recently bought the deluxe 2CD + 1DVD remastered version of 1993's "Siamese Dream" by the Smashing Pumpkins, and I'm wondering if there would be any good tracks on that album that would work in a Casshan video. Thoughts? Suggestions?
I can't stand weeaboos and people who keep badmouthing dubbed anime and say it sucks.