by Vlad G Pohnert » Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:59 pm
For any contest I run, I don't' restrict or penalize it for how many other award at other cons it wins. Honestly, I run a several contests and AMV rooms, etc.. And the average con goer only watches AMVs at the cons mainly. I use a freshness rule to keep thing relatively new which helps..
ALSO, have to say it, but there are many contests out there and not enough editors to stock them all with just one entry per contest, so if you restrict a entry to only one contest, a lot of contest would not get any or very little... It's also important to understand that as fair as we may want to be and judge by, there is also the entertainment factor we need for the audience and most who watch a lot of AMVs think audiences who watch a at a contest have already seen a video that won somewhere elsewhere.. I asked the audiences that question at several cons and a Lot of them did not see many videos in contests to begin with let alone know they even one something..
Now, I fully agree with variety of winners and diversity, BUT not at the cost of manipulating the awards to restrict out what a video may deserve to win. Then it is best is to make more diverse awards and more categorical ones to ensure the wins are spread out over many videos.. There are other ways too that don't relay on saying a video is restricted to not win this if it wins that.
so let me put this out, if the audience vote for a video is say 75% for it in a category (CLEAR WINNER) and it also wins Best of Show, then the runner-up in that category should get the category award even though it was not even close?
Sakura-Con 2013 - 2019, 2022 AMV Coordinator
Otafest 2012 - 2024 AMV Coordinator
Animethon 2003 - 2024 AMV Coordinator