Can Someone give me tipps?

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
Yoshino TV
Joined: Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:06 am
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Can Someone give me tipps?

Post by Yoshino TV » Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:11 am

Hey guys I need a bit help for my amvs I dont know why but it feel that they are bad I hope someone will help me soon,
Thank you !

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Re: Can Someone give me tipps?

Post by Enigmo » Sat Dec 20, 2014 5:34 pm

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Re: Can Someone give me tipps?

Post by dragontamer5788 » Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:53 am

Erm... you've got watermarked footage (Angel Beats), and have clearly lifted a lot of scenes straight out of another person's AMV.

Please don't do that. If you're gonna base AMVs off of another AMV, then at very least note your use of it in the credits. Ideally, you'd only do it with at least implied consent from the original creator. (IE: Competitions that revolve around using recycled footage). It isn't right to just lift an idea and claim it as your own. I'm sorry, but I do feel like I should publicly shame you on this front.

Its really easy to tell when you rip off someone else's AMV. Its not like all of those blur filters put themselves into Anohana.


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