Brotherhood - Resolution (AMV)

Feedback on cataloged Anime Music Videos

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Joined: Sun Mar 08, 2015 9:21 am
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Brotherhood - Resolution (AMV)

Post by liamonk » Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:25 pm

Hey guys,

I was really impressed by a score my friend wrote so I decided to make my first AMV to try and get him some exposure. He sent me a raw copy of the score which I left unedited and just added visuals, audio and effects. My editing standard is barely good enough to do this score justice and their are some rough audio parts I struggled to make work. Please just give it one watch.

links: ... p?v=197961 ... esolution/

"My best-friend is a Musician based in Perth, His name is Mason Vellios facebook He played me this song as he wanted to show me how he was coming along with score writing. His dream job is to write scores for big AAA movies. He's still got a long way to go but when I heard this song I knew I had to do something to get it out there. As soon as I heard this music I could see this video playing out in my head (haven't watched FMA in years) and I re-created it exactly as I imagined. I think it's a rare talent to be able to write a story with music that I could see so vividly. Perhaps as I was a musician in my youth I just have an ear for it, but if you can see the beauty in this piece, please upvote, watch the video, share with your friends and get him some exposure!"

Any help is appreciated! Hope you enjoy it.


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