MEP Details
“4 Beyonce from Todrick (Beyonce Compilation)” – Todrick Hall
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQuRhxVsJds – video
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwfjL5 ... sp=sharing – Full MP3
*Upon reserving a track, I will PM you with your audio download and access to the MEP folder on Google Drive. I will also add your information to the group Google Sheets file. Please be available to add on Skype should I feel we need a group MEP chat.
\\Theme / Concept\\
Do you like women in anime? Do you like Beyonce? Did you answer yes to both of those? (If you didn’t…I really don’t understand you…)
This MEP will be highlighting awesome ladies in anime. In fact, it won’t just be highlighting them—it will feature only women! (Magical creatures can be included.) I want this to emphasize that girls can be the main characters, side characters, villains, or heroines, and still be super radical. I want to see a spectrum of anime, from harem to yuri to magical girl to slice-of-life.
You’ll notice that in our song we have some romance elements and references! I want this to be yuri (despite the direct references to men in the song). Please keep it classy!
Also, despite this being a “Ladies” MEP, I don’t care what the editor is (man, woman, etc.). Please join us and have fun!
\\Editing Style\\
I don’t want to see a heavy amount of candy. If during the beta stage we see that some editors rely too heavily on effects, we can talk about it as a whole and rely on a voting system to increase/decrease these effects throughout the video. Inevitably, we want everything to be smooth, including transitions from one editor to the next.
\\Technical Details\\
Resolution: 1280 x 720
FPS: 23.976
Codec: Lossless Lagarith or UtVideo AVI
*Please send your final track as a AVI. Feel free to encode your betas to a mp4 format to keep the file size down.
*Please add 1-2 seconds of footage before and after your track for transition purposes.
\\Anime Details\\
*Each editor can use one source
*Multiple editors are not allowed to use the same anime
*Sources must primarily focus on ladies
I reserve the right to reject your anime suggestion if I believe it will not meet the specified criteria.
\\Completion date\\
I want to keep this MEP summery. (Why? Because I think summer will be a positive influence on it. The song, as you can tell, has literally nothing to do with summer.) As of right now, beta deadline will be July 11th, and the final versions of each track will be August 22nd. However, I’m always open to bumping things up if people finish early.
Please post the following info in this thread. I will NOT accept track reservations via PM
Requested Track: