Attack on Titan [AMV]- Black

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Attack on Titan [AMV]- Black

Post by amk2397 » Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:43 am

Hello, I am submitting this for a contest so feedback would be very much appreciated! :)

[Moved to AMV Announcement forum and added VIDID/embedded YT link. -Ileia]

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Re: Attack on Titan [AMV]- Black

Post by Kireblue » Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:29 pm

Especially when it comes to contests, avoid using scenes with watermarks, logos, and subtitles in them. This will actually get you disqualified from most of contests. In terms of the video, I feel that misused your initial buildup time. The first 12 seconds really feel like they should have been used to introduce the main character and set the mood for the titans causing havoc from 0:13 - 0:28. And then, I feel that you needed to give your video a focus. You kinda shuffled between a bunch of random characters and didn't really give your scenes a linear connection to each other. I think that the vid would have worked better if you focused hard on Ehren, Mikasa, and Armin, and tried to exclude the side characters. Personally, I think that Mikasa is a especially good characters to focus on with this song.


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