Classic Amv Collection? Calling all the OGs

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Classic Amv Collection? Calling all the OGs

Post by ShadowXxtreme » Mon Aug 10, 2015 2:01 pm

Calling all the OGs in this thread

A lot the links for the old AMVs are dead so I'm wondering if there is any one who still has them on the computer can drop me a link. I'm having an nostalgia rush and I'm trying to find all the old videos I used to love back in the 90s and early 00s. I tried looking all over the net and youtube for these vids but I can't find half of them. I'm gonna list some essential ones I'm looking for each of them is bolded for convenience. If you guys have a collection of classic AMVs or anything still saved on your computers please share them with me and also feel free to share your favorite AMVs from way way back.

[b]Dragon Ball 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai AMV[/b]
I didn't find this amv on here so no link to this one but it was a DB AMV about the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai. I remember at the beginning of the video. There was Krillin, Yamcha, and a few other people who slowly turned around as Goku appears for the first time in three years all grown up. In the AMV I think I remember Krillin Vs. Piccolo and Chichi vs Goku, but I definitely remember Yamcha vs Hero (who was actually Kami). The video probably ended after that fight. I remember it being from a site that had several DB/Z/ AMV it had Raditz on the back ground. The colors were light blue or white. I'm not sure if the song had vocals or was pure instrumental. This had to be over 15 years ago it was like one of the first AMVs I've seen I hope someone knows what I'm talking about.

[b]Various Anime Right Here, Right Now AMV[/b]
I don't really remember this AMV aside from the song: Fatboy Slim - Right Here, Right Now, it having a lot of different anime and it being freaking awesome. I could not find it on this site but I'm pretty sure I found it here.

[b]Money Power Respect AMV[/b] [url] ... php?v=7048[/url]
The only thing I remember is a shot of Fay from Cowboy Bebop lip syncing the intro of the song. The song was money power respect by the Lox. It had a lot of other anime in the video.

[b]The Switcher - Vegeta's Way[/b]
I'm pretty sure this [url] ... .php?v=529[/url] is the video I remember but the link is dead. Song was Limp Bizkit and had Vegeta being angry with various clips from the Android Saga and maybe some other Sagas. I remember a part where there is a close up of his eye and the blood is slowly dripping down from his eye brow down to his chin and he blinks as the guitar cords are slowly being played on the song.

[b]DBZ Livin' It Up Limp Bizkit AMV[/b]
I remember a part that shows of a close up Buu's pants when the song says "Keep my pants sagging." sadly its all I can recall. Song is Livin it Up By Limp Bizkit and mainly features the Buu Saga.

[b]Chrono Trigger - Celebration AMV [url] ... php?v=3790[/url][/b]
Song was One More Time by Daft Punk and used cut scenes from The Chrono Trigger Game.

[b]Bumblebee Pan AMV[/b]
I'm not sure if I found it here or not so I couldn't find a link, but it was a video with an upbeat song Bumblebee by Bambee. I remember Pan from Dragon Ball GT wearing a bunny costume or being surrounded by Bees or something like that. It was a cute video so it'd be nice to see it again but it isn't top priority. It could be bad.

[b]Tekken AMV [/b][url] ... .php?v=712[/url]
This is it but again the link is dead. It's not anime but they used footage from Tekken 3 cutscenes and the song was You gotta fight for your right to party by the beastie boys

Sorry for the wall of text. Like I said please share if you know any of these and post some of your favorite classic amvs from the 90s and early 00s.

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Re: Classic Amv Collection? Calling all the OGs

Post by ShadowXxtreme » Mon Aug 10, 2015 3:15 pm

OOps it looks like I can't even post right, perhaps I should lurk more. I'm sorry about that, wish I could edit the post, but here are the corrected links

Money Power Respect AMV - Had Fay from Bebop in the beginning lipsyncing the vocals

Vegeta's Way

Tekken AMV

Chrono Trigger - Celebration AMV

If anyone can find these that would be great.

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Re: Classic Amv Collection? Calling all the OGs

Post by seasons » Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:27 pm

I don't know anything about these but I'm curious why the bold brackets didn't work on your first post.

How were these videos originally shared or hosted online way back then, or whenever it was that you watched them?

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Gene Starwind 21122
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Re: Classic Amv Collection? Calling all the OGs

Post by Gene Starwind 21122 » Tue Aug 18, 2015 4:09 pm

seasons wrote:I don't know anything about these but I'm curious why the bold brackets didn't work on your first post.

How were these videos originally shared or hosted online way back then, or whenever it was that you watched them?
The videos were shared through various websites before the Donut here on the org, heck even before youtube existed. So through sites like megaupload, yousendit and other similar sites. Some editors had or still have there own websites where they host their AMV's. Some of the sites just went dead.

Anyways if I come across any I'll let you know. I have about 4 or 5 hard drives to go through. :uhoh:

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Re: Classic Amv Collection? Calling all the OGs

Post by dragontamer5788 » Wed Aug 19, 2015 10:33 am

Quick! Someone fire up that old IRC server!

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Re: Classic Amv Collection? Calling all the OGs

Post by ShadowXxtreme » Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:33 am

seasons wrote:I don't know anything about these but I'm curious why the bold brackets didn't work on your first post.
That was my fault. I didn't realize "Diable BBCode" was checked off.
seasons wrote: How were these videos originally shared or hosted online way back then, or whenever it was that you watched them?
What Gene Starwind 21122 said is exactly right.
I don't know how you found this but I love you!
Gene Starwind 21122 wrote: Anyways if I come across any I'll let you know. I have about 4 or 5 hard drives to go through.
Even if you don't find anything I still love you for digging through all them hard drives. Just curious, did you recognize any of the amvs from my written description and links?

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Re: Classic Amv Collection? Calling all the OGs

Post by GloryQuestor » Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:39 pm

ShadowXxtreme wrote:Various Anime Right Here, Right Now AMV
Could this be Pencilhead?
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Re: Classic Amv Collection? Calling all the OGs

Post by dragontamer5788 » Fri Aug 21, 2015 1:22 am

GloryQuestor wrote:
ShadowXxtreme wrote:Various Anime Right Here, Right Now AMV
Could this be Pencilhead?
I know he wants "Fatboy Slim" Right here Right now... but I can't stop thinking of...

Best Van Halen "Right Now" video ever.

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Re: Classic Amv Collection? Calling all the OGs

Post by ShadowXxtreme » Fri Aug 21, 2015 8:16 pm

GloryQuestor wrote:
ShadowXxtreme wrote:Various Anime Right Here, Right Now AMV
Could this be Pencilhead?
That was great. But the video I'm talking about is at least 13 years old it had a bunch of anime in the video too.


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