Stuck in the middle of an AMV?

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Stuck in the middle of an AMV?

Post by sejijtanigawa » Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:52 pm

I am currently stuck in the middle of a clannad AMV, and i have almost all the footage i need, but im running out of ideas, and footage to use. Does anyone have any ideas or anything that might help? :taco:

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Re: Stuck in the middle of an AMV?

Post by MrNosec » Thu Oct 08, 2015 5:24 pm

Well if you could show us the AMV we might have some tips, but then again you decide how long you want the video to be, no need to overstay your welcome so per say.
If there's one tip to be given is: Watch alot of good AMVs very closely, see how they're done, what makes them qualify as " good ". the story mountain, the flow, even write down the order of the scenes you wanna use, picture what you want in your head, there's no guidelines, it's all up to you c;

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