¿They think of a AMV SUPER GORE?

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¿They think of a AMV SUPER GORE?

Post by Hakabane_ » Thu Dec 10, 2015 2:30 am

Sorry, my English is not perfect... :oops: Speak Spanish.

I'm working on a GORE amv and my question is:
¿How can I be received by the public? :?:

AMV`s of the "horror genre" here on GORE ORG not show much, and I think publishers org GORE do those jobs that are not accepted by the public. :puppy:

Anyway I continue my AMV. :book:

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Re: ¿They think of a AMV SUPER GORE?

Post by VRSaskayzx » Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:57 am

No creo que tengas ningun problema por lo menos si el video se limita a eso solamente, Buena suerte.
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Re: ¿They think of a AMV SUPER GORE?

Post by ngsilver » Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:44 pm

Gore videos historically are not allowed to be hosted on the site, but if you want hosting I offer it to videos that cannot be hosted here, allowing you to list it on the site.

Honestly, I have no issues with said videos.

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Re: ¿They think of a AMV SUPER GORE?

Post by Farlo » Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:26 pm

i like gore

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Re: ¿They think of a AMV SUPER GORE?

Post by Hakabane_ » Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:30 pm

Yes, I could see that here in the ORG not many gore videos...
and videos that have gore, very few and poor in gore... :shark:
Greetings to those who answered my post... n.n
and I liked the gore amv`s of Farlo... :D :puppy:

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Re: ¿They think of a AMV SUPER GORE?

Post by MrNosec » Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:16 am

Gore AMVs are not very well received mainly because if the main focus is.. well gore, it has to be very well done, practically a music visualizer, otherwise.. it's just a video with blood and guts with some song in the background that anyone can put together with windows movie maker.

What makes an AMV being considered "good" is highly divergent, some people appreciate technical prowess the most, others refuse to label it as an AMV if it does not have a story, but the main goal of an AMV is to entertain and even amaze viewers and other editors.

But this isn't me trying to discourage or influence you, do what you love, what's the point if you don't have any fun :mrgreen:

Now what I said in spanish if you didn't fully understand what I said ( I'm not spanish so apologies for any mistakes )

Gore AMVs no son muy bien recibidos, principalmente porque si el objetivo principal es .. gore, tiene que ser muy bien hecho, prácticamente un visualizador de música, de lo contrario .. es sólo un video con sangre y vísceras con alguna canción de fondo que cualquier persona puede poner junto con Windows Movie Maker.

Lo que hace un AMV que se considera "bueno" es muy divergentes, algunas personas aprecian la destreza técnica más, otros se niegan a etiquetarlo como un AMV si no tiene una historia, pero el objetivo principal de un AMV es entretener e incluso sorprender espectadores y otros editores.

Pero esto no me está tratando de desalentar o influencia que, hagas lo que te gusta, lo que es el punto si usted no tiene ninguna diversión

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Re: ¿They think of a AMV SUPER GORE?

Post by TritioAFB » Sat Dec 19, 2015 10:12 am

es que el problema del Gore es que el publico no esta familiarizado con el, ademas que esta incluido en la lista de prohibiciones en concursos y demas cuestiones
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