MTAC Haiku (2017) AMV Contest - WINNERS

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MTAC Haiku (2017) AMV Contest - WINNERS

Post by GloryQuestor » Mon Dec 12, 2016 10:33 pm

Here are the winners of the MTAC Haiku (2017) AMV Contest:


Video: Devoid
Anime: Death Parade
Song: Wake Up
Artist: NF
Creator: MycathatesyouAMV (Re-Evolution)

Video: Money$hot
Anime: Various
Song: 24k Magic
Artist: Bruno Mars
Creator: MycathatesyouAMV (Re-Evolution)



Video:Syllables & Lines
Anime: K-On!
Song: Haiku
Artist: Mary Liz McNamara
Creator: shorisquared


Video: The Joke That Killed
Anime: Various
Song: The Sound of Silence
Artist: Disturbed
Creator: Sean.PNG


Video: Timeless
Anime: Various
Song: Wake Me Up
Artist: Avicii
Creator: hamstar138

BEST EXTREME JUNIOR: "F*ck This MEP" by MaboroshiStudio et al
BEST EXTREME XXL: "All You Ever Do Is Wreck Me" by ChaosProjects

Congratulations to all of our winners! Everyone will receive a diecast MTAC Haiku medallion, with King Redeem and hamstar138 each receiving a Kill Bill Bride sword!

We received a lot of positive reviews of the MTAC contest this year, and we hope to see all of our entrants (finalist and not), along with all new entrants, for next year's theme: MILITARY! We hope to see your videos of conflict when MTAC rolls around next year.

Thanks :D

Here are the finalists for the MTAC Haiku AMV Contest, alphabetical by creator name:

Joy's AMV

Comedy & Parody:
Gina Nelson
King Redeem
LoliPop Studios

James Blond

Romance / Sentimental:
King Redeem
Joy's AMV

Kireblue & SerenityAMV

Upbeat / Fun / Dance:
Celia Phantomhive

Haiku (Convention Theme):
King Redeem


For those attending, the AMV Contest will be held in Main Events at 12:30pm on Friday, April 14th. The showing and winners of AMV Extreme Junior and AMV Extreme XXL contests will take place later that night in the Two Rivers room at the Sheraton.

The awards for our winners will be:
- A medal for the top winner of the AMV Extreme Junior (Language / Violence) category;
- A unique "statue" for the top winner of AMV Extreme XXL (Hentai);
- Medals for each of the Best in Category winners; and
- For our MTAC's Best In Show and Audiences' Fan Favorite winners: A Bride Hatori Hanzo replica sword to a first-time winner, a Budd's Hatori Hanzo replica sword for a back-to-back winner (who also won the same award last year), and an O-Ren Ishii Hattori Hanzo replica sword for one who does the hat trick (three consecutive wins of the same award in a row)!

Congratulations to all of our finalists, and good luck!
Original Post:

The Middle Tennessee Anime Convention AMV Contest is now open for submissions!

This year's convention theme is Haiku. Videos that utilize a theme around the 17-syllable poetry art form will be considered for the theme category, so get your thinking caps on and let's see what you can come up with!

The deadline for submission cut-off is March 10, 2017 at 11:59pm CST. A copy of the rules are posted in the Spoiler Tag below and in the submission form.

Good luck to all of our entrants! :D
Spoiler :

The following are the contractual rules for Middle Tennessee Anime Convention’s Anime Music Video Contest. All videos submitted for the purpose of entry into the contest are subject to the following terms and conditions. Please be aware that these terms and conditions may change with public notice.



Here are the possible categories for the MTAC main AMV contest:

- Action
- Comedy
- Drama
- Romance / Sentimental
- Upbeat / Fun

- TV Series Opening Parody
- Trailer or Commercial Parody
- Extreme (please review the “MTAC Extreme AMV Contest” rules below for more information on this category)
- Convention Theme: HAIKU - A video that includes or incorporates the idea of the 17-syllable poetic form.
- Live-Action Music Video
- Western Animation Music Video
- Video Game Music Video

- Classic (defined here as “anime of Japanese vintage before 2000 as per Encyclopedia”)
- Dance
- Horror
- Instrumental (a music track that does not contain lyrics or voice overs)

Once videos are received, a minimum of six categories will be selected and used for the judging. As arranged above, we normally will arrange for the five primary categories and additional special categories. If we receive enough videos to replace a primary category with a secondary or special category, we will do so. Final selection of the video categories is at the discretion of the convention coordinator(s).

For awards this year, we can confirm the following will be awarded in the AMV contest:
- The Audience’s Best In Show at the convention;
- The Judges’ Choice, with possible Honorable Mentions; and
- The Extreme AMV Choice.
Awards are still being determined and this section will be revised when the final award structure is ready.

If the overall submissions’ play time is larger than can fit in the appropriate contest time slot, cuts will unfortunately be made. Keep in mind that video selection for the finals will be determined on qualities such as technical aspects, effectiveness of the video and general execution. You do not need to attend the convention to enter the contest, although it is highly encouraged.


- The main AMV Contest is an all-ages audience showing. A good general rule for content is that if the song cannot be played on the radio without edits (bleeps or omission of certain words), contains sexual genitalia (no hentai) or has extreme violence, then it’s not acceptable for the main contest. Note that the administration and AMV staff of MTAC reserve the right to determine what constitutes “extreme” content.

- The submission cut-off for the MTAC Haiku (2017) AMV Contest is 11:59pm Central Time on March 10, 2017. The actual files and mail-in submissions must be in our hands by 11:59pm Central Standard Time on March 14, 2017.

- The entries may include as a video source:
o Japanese anime
o Live-Action video, preferably of Japanese origin but not required;
o Western Animation, preferably in a Japanese anime style (examples include RWBY, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Voltron: Legendary Defender) but not required;
o Video Game footage, preferably of Japanese origin but not required.

Please keep in mind when you submit a music video to our contest that you are submitting to a Japanese anime convention.

- With the exception of trailer and TV commercial parody AMVs, at least 80% of the submission’s audio must be a continuous song or music track. Spoken Japanese openings or endings are allowed, but overlaying of Japanese or English audio that is not part of the original song/music is not.

- There is a time limit of 30 seconds minimum and 6 minutes maximum. Anything beyond 6 minutes may be acceptable at the AMV Contest Coordinators’ discretion.

- You may submit a maximum of three (3) videos. Each video must fit at least two of the three categories selected for the video entry, and these entries must be separate from each other. Don’t try to make a video fit a category it is not suited for — for example, a purely “Action” video in the “Drama” category. Please try to select choices that provide the best match for the video content. If you need some assistance with categorization, please send an inquiry to

- Qualifying AMV Contest video entries must have been created within one (1) year of the MTAC 16-Bit Convention start date (after March 25, 2016), have not been previously submitted to past MTAC AMV contests, and have not won a combination of three (3) or more “Best In Show” or “Best in (specific category, i.e. Drama, Action, etc.)” at any other convention contest during that period, not including videos that have won Staff-based (like Coordinator’s Choice, Staffer’s Choice, etc.) or Judging-based Awards (like Best Artistic, Best Storytelling, etc.).

- No watermarks in the video source(s) will be allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, the DivX logo, any television station identification, production company logo, streaming site bugs & logos, AMV studio logos, and so on.

- No video will be accepted with “hard subtitles” (subtitles permanently overlaid on video), nor will we accept videos from obviously bootlegged or fan-subbed releases with these subtitles. The only EXCEPTION to this rule is if you create your own subtitles as an actual part of the anime music video.

- Because of the nature of the video judging, MTAC Convention Staff are allowed to enter their own qualifying anime music videos unless they are participating in the coordination or judging of the AMV contest.
Any video that does not follow the guidelines above and rules below WILL BE CONSIDERED DISQUALIFIED AND NOT BE ENTERED INTO THE CONTEST. All submissions are subject to the MTAC AMV Department’s review and approval. MTAC’s AMV Department and MTAC's Administration Staff reserve the right to prohibit from convention viewing any video submission entered into the contest for any reason. By submitting your video for review, you agree that all decisions made by the MTAC AMV Department, the MTAC Convention Administration, and the contest judges about your video are FINAL.

All submissions become the property of the Middle Tennessee's Anime Convention and/or its assigns, and will not be returned to the submitter. Please do not send in your only copy of your video submission.

All submissions may be used for display and promotional purposes. All videos entered will be considered to be cleared for this purpose.


The following video formats are the only formats that will be accepted for submission to the contest, in order from most preferred to least:

- AVC/H.264 MP4 format (.mp4)
- Matroska (.mkv)
- MPEG-2 Video with MPEG-II Layer Audio (.mpeg, .mpg)
- UTCodec or Lagarith Lossless Codec encoded AVI (.avi)
- DivX / XviD in AVI format (.avi) encoded at the highest quality possible (Quantizer 1 is most preferred)
- Quicktime (.mov) format (acceptable, but not recommended)
- Windows Media (.wmv) format (acceptable, but not recommended)

Any file format not mentioned above will not be considered and immediately disqualified. This includes MPEG-1, Real Media, or the use of any codec other than DivX, Lagarith, or XviD. If all else fails, contact the Contest Coordinator and we can try to work out an acceptable solution.

As we use HDMI projectors, acceptable frame rates for your videos are 23.976fps, 29.97fps, and 60fps. Any other frame rates will be converted to fit one of these frame rates.


This year, MTAC will be hosting an Extreme Contest for videos with “extreme content”. “Extreme Content” includes, but is not limited to, the following:

- Coarse Language;
- Excessive violence (a well known example of this can be seen in the anime Berserk);
- Innuendo or other situational humor that could be considered offensive;
- Nudity; and
- Strong and/or graphic sexual situations.

Videos that have any of the above may be directly submitted to the MTAC Extreme AMV Contest for consideration. Any videos submitted for the main contest entry that contains content not suitable for showing at the main contest will also be considered for entry into the MTAC Extreme AMV Contest. The Extreme Contest will have awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place videos, with judging performed by the MTAC AMV Department staff.

Please note that, to attend the AMV Extreme Contest showing at MTAC, you must verify that you are 18 years of age or older. Please review the MTAC website ( and MTAC 2017 Program Guide for details on admission requirements for 18+ age restricted events.

In addition to the General Contest Rules above, the following additional rules will apply to Extreme AMV Contest submissions:

- All Extreme Contest submissions require the same information as the regular AMV contest, except that on the contest entry form select “Extreme” in the Secondary Category choice to have your video placed into the Extreme Contest. If you submit multiple videos for both Extreme and Main contest submission, please have separate sheets for the Extreme Contest submissions versus the main contest submissions and label all videos clearly. If an entry or entries are marked “Extreme” yet qualify under the rules of the Main AMV Contest, they will be placed into the main contest pool under the Primary and Special Categories chosen. Therefore, even though you may intend for said entry/entries to be in the Extreme AMV Contest, you are encouraged to verify the Primary Category choice and fill in a Special Category if it fits one.

- THE CREATOR (AND/OR SUBMITTER) OF THE VIDEO MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CONTEST. There will be a form provided by e-mail that will act as a waiver to enter these categories for viewing and for being awarded if the video should win the Extreme Contest.

- There is no limit to the number of videos a creator may submit for the Extreme AMV Contest, but qualifying videos for this contest must have been created on or after March 25, 2015 and have not been submitted to MTAC previously.

- Please note that there is NO PEDOPHILIA ALLOWED IN ANY OF THE CONTESTS. Just because the box and the disclaimers say that s/he is legal does not mean s/he is. Please, do not submit anything that has visually identifiable underage girls or boys performing sexual or perverted acts.

- Anything else that is deemed to be illegal in the United States is also not allowed into the Extreme Contest. Just because it’s animated does not excuse it from certain laws that may govern what can be shown in the United States.


A submission system is being provided this year for entering contest videos. The contest will accept three methods of video acquisition:

- A download link provided by the submitter to a file sharing location (such as AnimeMusicVideos.Org, Dropbox, Google Drive, or other similar service); or
- Direct submission to the coordinators via Dropbox; the link to this box is provided in the submission form.



If you have any questions or problems with your submission(s), please e-mail your questions to the following persons:
- Joseph Croasdaile (;
- John Wendel (
Website Administrator, AnimeMusicVideos.Org
Samurai Warriors Productions
Pittsburgh Japanese Culture Society Events - AMV Department Head
Middle Tennessee Anime Convention - Main Events Operations Manager
Anime Weekend Atlanta - Section Manager of Programming - Video Art Track

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Re: MTAC Haiku (2017) AMV Contest OPEN - Deadline March 10th

Post by GloryQuestor » Thu Jan 19, 2017 1:13 pm

We are off to a good start, but still looking for a lot more!

Since the original post, MTAC has officially opened up their AMV Contest page for submissions. Therefore, going forward with entries, please use the website's submission form instead of the Google form previously provided. All links on the above post have been changed to point to the new form.

Also, if you have entered or consider an entry to MTAC this year, would you also like to provide a submission for the 15th annual Tekko in Pittsburgh, PA? Because MTAC and Tekko share the same rules base, if your video is approved by MTAC it will almost likely be initially approved for Tekko. Also, the theme at Tekko's contest is Supernatural Horror, so if you have a video that could fit that theme this year, Tekko would love to see it so there is the possibility of a Theme category over there!

Please let me know by PM or by Tekko's AMV e-mail ( and we will easily port over your information from one contest to the other.

Keep those submissions coming! :D
Website Administrator, AnimeMusicVideos.Org
Samurai Warriors Productions
Pittsburgh Japanese Culture Society Events - AMV Department Head
Middle Tennessee Anime Convention - Main Events Operations Manager
Anime Weekend Atlanta - Section Manager of Programming - Video Art Track

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Re: MTAC Haiku (2017) AMV Contest OPEN - Deadline March 10th

Post by GloryQuestor » Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:10 am

Less than 28 days left to enter, and we are still looking for more submissions. We are also looking for entries that fit the theme of the convention, and more entries for the Extreme Contest.

Again, if you have any questions, please let us know by my MTAC e-mail (

Thanks to those who have submitted, and keep those submissions coming! :D
Website Administrator, AnimeMusicVideos.Org
Samurai Warriors Productions
Pittsburgh Japanese Culture Society Events - AMV Department Head
Middle Tennessee Anime Convention - Main Events Operations Manager
Anime Weekend Atlanta - Section Manager of Programming - Video Art Track

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Re: MTAC Haiku (2017) AMV Contest OPEN - Deadline March 10th

Post by GloryQuestor » Fri Feb 24, 2017 1:19 pm

Less than 2 weeks remain until the close of the MTAC contest. We are especially looking for more in Comedy, but all categories are still a pretty open field, especially the Convention Theme of Haiku. We are also sorely lacking in Extreme Contest entries, so any of those you might have would also be appreciated so we can give our 18+ crowd a good show this year!

Thanks to all who have been submitting, and keep those submissions coming!
Website Administrator, AnimeMusicVideos.Org
Samurai Warriors Productions
Pittsburgh Japanese Culture Society Events - AMV Department Head
Middle Tennessee Anime Convention - Main Events Operations Manager
Anime Weekend Atlanta - Section Manager of Programming - Video Art Track

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Re: MTAC Haiku (2017) AMV Contest OPEN - Deadline March 10th

Post by Rider4Z » Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:32 pm

I know what a Haiku is... but this theme is confusing to me.

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Re: MTAC Haiku (2017) AMV Contest OPEN - Deadline March 10th

Post by GloryQuestor » Fri Feb 24, 2017 9:16 pm

Rider4Z wrote:I know what a Haiku is... but this theme is confusing to me.
Because it's MTAC 17, Haiku has 17 syllables ... the showrunners actually had this in mind a long time ago.
Website Administrator, AnimeMusicVideos.Org
Samurai Warriors Productions
Pittsburgh Japanese Culture Society Events - AMV Department Head
Middle Tennessee Anime Convention - Main Events Operations Manager
Anime Weekend Atlanta - Section Manager of Programming - Video Art Track

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Re: MTAC Haiku (2017) AMV Contest OPEN - Deadline March 10th

Post by Rider4Z » Sat Feb 25, 2017 1:46 am

Actually I meant how you could imagine representing a Haiku in an AMV. Not a clue.

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Re: MTAC Haiku (2017) AMV Contest OPEN - Deadline March 10th

Post by GloryQuestor » Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:19 am

Rider4Z wrote:Actually I meant how you could imagine representing a Haiku in an AMV. Not a clue.
Here are a couple of suggestions I thought of:

- Using a haiku as framing. Pick a haiku and build a video that centers around the theme of that haiku;
- Pick a character out that writes haiku (or uses writing in some form) and use that/those character(s) as a focus. Basho from Hunter x Hunter comes to mind here.

So there are ways to represent the theme, just think outside of the box and see what inspiration hits. ;)
Website Administrator, AnimeMusicVideos.Org
Samurai Warriors Productions
Pittsburgh Japanese Culture Society Events - AMV Department Head
Middle Tennessee Anime Convention - Main Events Operations Manager
Anime Weekend Atlanta - Section Manager of Programming - Video Art Track

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Re: MTAC Haiku (2017) AMV Contest OPEN - Deadline March 10th

Post by GloryQuestor » Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:20 pm

It is less than a week to go until the submission deadline. Even though the submission deadline is the end of day March 10th, we still give you a couple of days to upload if you need the time to finish a video up.

Any questions, please let me know. We can't wait to see your videos. :)
Website Administrator, AnimeMusicVideos.Org
Samurai Warriors Productions
Pittsburgh Japanese Culture Society Events - AMV Department Head
Middle Tennessee Anime Convention - Main Events Operations Manager
Anime Weekend Atlanta - Section Manager of Programming - Video Art Track

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Re: MTAC Haiku (2017) AMV Contest OPEN - Deadline March 10th - THREE DAYS REMAIN

Post by GloryQuestor » Wed Mar 08, 2017 2:13 am

Only three days left until the deadline for the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention, and we are still pretty open for anything, but especially Comedy and some more Extreme videos if you have them!

There is a last-minute change to our normal submission rules: There will be no extensions for MTAC. Our Pre-Screening event is just too close to the deadline to extend any submissions or deadlines -- we will actually need all videos in our hands by 11:59pm CST on March 11th in time for the weekend judging. Also, if you have submitted and confirmed a video with Tekko, you will most likely be able to get into MTAC as well if you have not submitted for it yet. Just respond by PM or send an e-mail off to or and we will take care of the rest.

We are at the last days, so keep those submissions coming! :)
Website Administrator, AnimeMusicVideos.Org
Samurai Warriors Productions
Pittsburgh Japanese Culture Society Events - AMV Department Head
Middle Tennessee Anime Convention - Main Events Operations Manager
Anime Weekend Atlanta - Section Manager of Programming - Video Art Track


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