I looked into contacting him before I started this project, but Deadeye has been retired for 16 years and hasn't logged onto the Org in 3 years. His website and email are both defunct, so there was no way to get in touch with him. Regardless, his "Hallowed" video was one of my old favorites and I was sick of watching it in low resolution with VHS quality, so I decided to give it a makeover.
The video is 90% internal sync with a sprinkling of effects. Only one of them was a stock effect, so the others were actually a bit tricky to recreate. I also spent a good amount of time trying to make the colors in Ninja Scroll pop because even the blu-ray footage was overly dark and appeared to have a layer of grime on it that didn't look good in the final product. I played around with brightness, contrast and saturation quite a bit and although the daylight scenes suffered a little, I think most of the shots look fantastic now.
Overall it was fun challenge and an honor to breathe new life into one of my favorite old school AMVs. It's a shame that Deadeye may never see it, but perhaps I'll get lucky and he'll stumble on it some day. If he does, hopefully he'll agree that imitation is the highest form of flattery. If you like metal, violence or action videos with heavy internal sync, you'll probably enjoy this remastered oldie!

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/5k85nylis2gxgfu/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIZHA0J7Ooc
Original video: https://www.animemusicvideos.org/member ... php?v=1261