Welcome to our 10th AMV Competition at Saboten Con in downtown Phoenix, AZ. Our contest will return back at main events location at The Renaissance Downtown Phoenix. Here is everything that you will need to know if you would like to participate! Be sure to read the rules before submitting your entry. We can't wait to see what you create this year! Here are the following categories that we have for this year including another new category:
Action / Adventure
(Power, Intensity)
(Thriller, Emotional, loving)
Upbeat/ Dance
(Rhythm, Energy type feels)
Comedy/ Parody
(laughs, Silly, Humor)
Trailer/ Fun
(Film type, Commercial ads.)
Mystery/ Thriller
(Puzzle, Secret, Unsolved )
-Policies and Conditions-
1. Will not accept any physical media you submit to us unless otherwise you need to, please contact us.
2. The coordinators and judges may, at their discretion, re-categorize any entry they deem unsuited for the category specified by the entrant.
3. The coordinators and judges have the right to disqualify any submission for any fair and justifiable reason not foreseen in these rules.
4. All judgments and decisions are final and will post up the finalist in each category.
5. Do not submit someone else’s AMV as if it were your own. Do not submit an “improved” version of someone else’s AMV unless you have the original creator’s explicit permission to do so.
-Disqualification Rules-
1. Maximum Submissions
You may submit a maximum of two AMVs per person.
No two AMVs may be for the same category.
(Can have a 3rd entry only if its for Trailer/ Humor Category only)
Must be no longer then 6mins and the minimum of 30 secs(Excepted Fun/ trailer/ ad AMVs)
2. Intros, closings, and identifiers.
Entries are screened anonymously. Therefore, videos should not contain any identifying information such as intros, closings, logos, slates, or credits of any kind.
NOTE: Any Trailer parodies are an exception and may use studio-style slates or
logos where customary, provided that they are completely original.
3. Studio Trademarks
(Last year we had multiple logos on AMVs, PLEASE LOOK BEFORE SUBMITTING) Entries may not use studio trademarks (e.g. Paramount, DreamWorks, WB logos, Funimation, Crunchyroll etc.) unless it is intentional, it will be negotiated with before the entry is put in the contest. Also please don’t have your editor name or studio name on your videos and intros. We put that up before videos plays at the time of contest.
4. Inappropriate Content
Entries that contain excessive content unsuitable for an age 13+ audience as determined by the coordinators and/or judges may be disqualified. Context and severity shall be taken under consideration.
For those with this concern, it is recommended to look over your submission or to not add that content at all. This included language in the audio/ music.
5. Non-Anime/Video Game Content
The visual content of your entry should consist of at least 70% anime-styled, manga-styled, or video game content. The judges reserve the right to accept or reject entries based on whether, in their opinion, an entry fits the spirit of an Anime Music Video event.
6. Submission Freshness Requirement
Your entry must be fresh prior from July 1st, 2023 to present.
Technical Standards:
-What We Prefer-
• -Side note- No More Black Screening at beginning and ending please.
• Files much be MP4, AVI, WMV (MP4 is highly suggested).
• Files averaging ~30MB per minute (75MB minimum, 300MB maximum).
• No video quality defects such as blurring, interlacing, macro-block. CHECK BEFORE SUBMITTING
• Audio must at lease 128 Kbps or higher, since will have better equipment this year.
Please check audio before sending, had some videos last year with low audio.
Preferred Video Resolutions:
We strongly recommend submitting your video in the exact same resolution
that your source material is in, which is likely one of the following:
• 1920x1080 (This is the max I will allow <----STRONGLY PREPERRED)
• 1280x720 (16:9, Square Pixel <----STRONGLY PREPERRED)
• 720x480 (4:3, 0.9:1 Pixel Aspect Ratio)
• 720x480 (16:9, 1.21:1 Pixel Aspect Ratio)
• Any video hosting links such as YouTube, Vimeo, Veoh, or similar.
• Anything that requires an unusual level of difficulty to work with.
• Any language use, and inappropriate content.
• Poor video quality and sound, again Please Check Over Your Videos.
Submission Instructions:
We are doing using the new form by google drive to submit your videos and info below:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIp ... sp=sharing
If you need help or info, email us at projecttwinsamv@outlook.com .
General Information:
- Once your AMV has been submitted to us, we will go over them and question you if we find any issues or corrections.
- After the deadline has post, give it a couple of days to go through and will post the finalist on this forum. If you want any updates about the finalist, follow us on twitter @projecttwinsamv to get the latest stuff.
Remember, THE DEADLINE IS AUGUST 3rd @ 11:59PM ARIZONA TIME. We will post the finalist a few days before the convention weekend.
-Thank You and Happy Editing
Thank you everyone that entered into our AMV Contest this year! We had a total of 48 editors this year entered in and with that said, here are your finalist:
Action / Adventure
SeanPNG - Long Live Shounen
Pyrothemusical - Another Way Out
Sonicfreak1111 - Invincible
Speedy180 - Death by 1000 Match Cuts
Bale Wayner - Midnight Sun
Troubleclef - Engraved
Tyken - Steal the Show
Dreamerjordi - Island
Bale Wayner - Eternal Love
Lelani - Save Me
Upbeat/ Dance
Dreamerjordi - Anya Needs a Hero
Synæsthesia Productions - Stadium Love
Zeeruy - Fighting
SpuddStaaa - Anya's Life Lessons
Comedy/ Parody
AllegoriestAMVs - Eat It
Sayoria - Imagination Academy
shorisquared - Virgin Gojo
Lelani - The Next Bond
Nuke - Do Math with U
Trailer/ Fun
Tony Hu - Attack on Titan | Dune part 2 style
Complicated Muse - Spend It Well
Nuke - Science will win
Garden of Avalon - Separate Ways
MadMegatax - Izuku Midoriya Takes Off
Mystery/ Thriller
thefanvideoer2 - Secrets
Sayoria - The Relapse
Nuke - Relinquishment