R.O.D. tv questions. SPOILER WARNING - Applies to manga too

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R.O.D. tv questions. SPOILER WARNING - Applies to manga too

Post by thistledown » Sat Dec 18, 2004 2:02 pm

I was wondering about the other paper user in R.O.D.tv. The one in the black coat and sunglasses.

First off, I forgot his name (It is said a few times)

But more importantly, I think I know where he came from. Here's where the spoiler starts.

I think he may actually be Donny Nakajima. This was the person who taught Yomiko how to use paper, and it is suggested that Yomiko killed him. (ROD Vol1, Chpt7, Pg186). Of course, the man saying this was crazy, but Yomiko latter admitted she did.

I think the show mentioned him somewhere as well, but I don't remember.

But what if he survived? He could possibly have joined up with dokusensha, and continued to increase his powers while working for them. Depending on the extent of his wounds, this could also explain his fashion sense.

I have not found translated copies of the manga beyond chapter 8, so I don't know if this is addressed further. Maybe somebody here has read further and can shed some light on the subject of who the man in black is.
The sword, it thirsts to drink of man,
The sword at last must win,
Today is gone, and yesterday,
Must echo in the wind.


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