Video Game AMVs....:question:

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Video Game AMVs....:question:

Post by ArmoredGriffon » Mon Dec 27, 2004 3:39 pm

Hey, I have a question, I have been planning to do an Armored Core AMV for quite some time, but I was told that I wouldn't be allowed to use in-game footage, is this true? I was planning on using a LITTLE in game footage, but what about in-game cinimatic replays? can I do that?

PLZ let me know what I can and cannot do :?
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Post by SuperFusion » Mon Dec 27, 2004 3:54 pm

I believe as long as the majority of the footage is cinematic , then it's good. But meh.. I could be wrong. :?

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Post by Corran » Mon Dec 27, 2004 3:59 pm

If the game footage was created in Japan then you will be fine.

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Post by ArmoredGriffon » Mon Dec 27, 2004 4:04 pm

well, not really, in the game, after a fight, you can replay the fight in a cinimatic mode, and was planning to do plenty of that in the video, as well as lots of actuall CG intro stuff, about 50/50 really...
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Post by inthesto » Mon Dec 27, 2004 4:39 pm

I think as long as it mostly features the cinematic stuff, it should be okay.

I think the rule is there to prevent people from uploading pure gameplay videos (though I wouldn't mind combo vids for Third Strike >_>)

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Post by ArmoredGriffon » Mon Dec 27, 2004 4:50 pm

Ok cool, Thanks! ^_^
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Post by devilmaykickass » Tue Dec 28, 2004 1:56 am

Is Amored Core from Japan?

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Post by Kilakion » Tue Dec 28, 2004 3:25 am

if not armored core, then probably a front mission video will due, given its japanese etc. :wink: , but in my opinion all video game footage, even video game gameplay footage should by all means be aloud in music videos on this site, i mean hell, i saw a freakin awesome HALO 2 music video here, why not all other games? i don't care if it has to be japanese or not, sides American video games will always dominate Japanese, so video game wise, why not allow it to be used on a universal aspect,
heck there were times when i question myself about this debate, but look at the figures, HALO 2 on it's opening day made more than 100 million in sales on its FIRST DAY of release, that right there goes to show the quality of games outside of japan, and heck HALO 2 and many, many other american games have far more better footage than over-praised genres like Final Fantasy, but i can understand if the people here are all hard core about the various footage types, but given outside of japan, video game footage is all the more promising in quality, so why not allow the footage to be used? it only handicaps us to not use it.
keep up the good work amv people ~_^

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Post by SuperFusion » Tue Dec 28, 2004 3:47 am

Kilakion wrote: American video games will always dominate Japanese, the footage to be used?



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grow up already

Post by Kilakion » Tue Dec 28, 2004 4:51 am

SuperFusion said:
SuperFusion Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 4:47 am Post subject:


Kilakion wrote:
American video games will always dominate Japanese, the footage to be used?

Japan these days lol, seems like all they make is sequals with video games, really lame, i mean they spawned like 3 sequals off of the Final Fantasy 7 game, talk about feeding the cash cow, while america, well they're more creative, they don't feed off of sequals to a series of games over-and-over again like Japan, and whose the bigger game maker? Electronic Arts or the meger smaller companies in Japan? Electronic Arts my friend, the American Game Makers. Oh, and don't forget Microsoft :wink: .

Its quite obviuous more things are becoming more americanized within time, no need to explain to you that there are walmarts in China now due to american influences.

But heck, if this site is full of people who don't apreciate the american influences and are segregational against amercian video game footage, then so be it, they're just missing out on something way cool, i mean heck we need more HALO 2 music videos, and ya Final Fantasy isn't the only game with or series with good full motion videos etc. :roll:
keep up the good work amv people ~_^


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