Okay, I've read 3 pages of people copmplaining, and i know there are more.
We all know that Naruto is easily the most popular anime currently avaliable on the internet.
We know it's the truth, so then how about we actually do something. we all know at least 4 sites that are Naruto based, how about we get all of the memebers in all of these major naruto sites to do something.
If we all really felt like doing something we can send a few thousand letters demanding that they allow naruto to have no changes what so ever.
And preferably be played on a channel that won't have problems airing it, IE Cartoon Network or less likely some cable channel.
There has to be at least a hundred thousand naruto fans. We could all sign a freaking petition. WHY because it's better then sitting here praying to God, and wishing that it will be alright.
If you want Naruto to stay pure then how about we do something, God, We all love the show, lets take the time to send ShoPro a message, lets tell them how much we want the show to stay the same.
Willit work? I don't know, but honestly would you rather do nothing and know that you at least tried, or give up and whine when they hire horriable voice actors and your little siblings and cousins all are talking about some horriably mangled peice of trash?
You can either work together and try, or sit on your a$$ and cry.
If you think i'm wrong let me know, otherwise lets do something.
Only a fool will sit by and let harm come to that which they care about. You live to fufil your passions, and if you enjoy naruto you should attempt to keep it pure.
*aka* monoglass
Save Naruto from being Hacked apart because of liscensing
- Joined: Fri Oct 29, 2004 10:06 pm