Gunslinger Girl meets Ozzy???

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Gunslinger Girl meets Ozzy???

Post by MobiusOneRaptor » Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:12 pm

So here I sit, turning over ideas in my head, relentless ideas that forever spin in my cranium blah blah, etc.

Getting to the point, I am a newb to video editing/amv creating. Nonetheless I recently watched Gunslinger Girl, and while listening to "See you on the other side" (Ozzy Osbourne) suddenly I felt like I wanted to do a GG video based on this song. I think it works great. But I am interested in other peoples thoughts, whether or not it works.

Oh, only respond of course if you have seen the anime.
Here are the lyrics to the song: ... sis.html#5

I also considered using the song "Bang Bang your dead" but I don't think it works as well. I am having a hard time finding the lyrics. The song is on "Prince of Darkness" collection.

Any thoughts? Which works better? Thanks.
"Isnt it funny how I can keep crashing into my wingmen and they never die?" -The Paradox of AC.


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