How Do Ye Keep Goin

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How Do Ye Keep Goin

Post by KingSchwill » Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:34 am

I tell ye what, I've been work'n on my first project all day and I's tired.
How'ze ya'll keep on goin without gettin burnt? :roll:
Kingschwill wrote:I shit from on great height at the suggestion that anything can kill me.

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Post by Ileia » Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:49 am

Sometimes, just wanting to see it finished is enough. But if you get tired, just stop and do something else, come back to it later.
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Denis Leary, coffee, and Jack Daniels

Post by KingSchwill » Fri Oct 21, 2005 4:36 am

Thanks for the encourage meant. I went go to sleep and wound up dreaming about the project, so it's back to work.
Kingschwill wrote:I shit from on great height at the suggestion that anything can kill me.

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Post by Infinity Squared » Fri Oct 21, 2005 4:40 am

I never actually think about what's keeping me going... when I get in to a video, I actually can't wait to get back into it and sometimes force myself to take breaks... other times, it takes a bit of coaxing to get back into the rithym...

But yeah, it's not a matter of thinking that you have to do it. It is a hobby after all.

Oh wait, I'm forgetting about convention deadlines... now those are a different story :lol:

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Post by KingSchwill » Fri Oct 21, 2005 4:44 am

I really don't have a reason. I probably shouldn't be tring so hard, I'll end up burning out. I'm about as new to this as it gets (just got my first computer two weeks ago). It's just really fasinating :o
Kingschwill wrote:I shit from on great height at the suggestion that anything can kill me.

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Post by CHAMELEON_D_H » Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:24 am

I've been working for mine for more than a year now.... I dare you to quit :P
Before asking, THINK!!! Have you read The Guides, consulted The Wiki and watched The Corn?

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Post by [Mike of the Desert] » Fri Oct 21, 2005 6:16 am

Infinity Squared wrote:I never actually think about what's keeping me going... when I get in to a video, I actually can't wait to get back into it and sometimes force myself to take breaks... other times, it takes a bit of coaxing to get back into the rithym...

But yeah, it's not a matter of thinking that you have to do it. It is a hobby after all.

Oh wait, I'm forgetting about convention deadlines... now those are a different story :lol:
Just like me. :P Sometimes it's hard for me to work, so what I do is simply don't do it, I think that work on something like an Amv without the desire to do it is something really wrong. Other times.. I don't know, like Infinity Squared said, I actually can't wait to get back into it, I think I quote all his comment. :P

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Post by AquaSky » Fri Oct 21, 2005 6:27 am

Depends if there's a deadline or not. If so, I just have to use my willpower and edit even if I don't particularly feel like it. If not, I'll just edit at my own pace, whenever I get the urge. It's much easier to stay motivated when you don't force yourself to edit, naturally. It's also preferable to do it leisurely because when you come upon a section that you're having difficulty syncing, you can step away and think on it a bit.
Burn-out is pretty much universal though, most of the editors I know have felt that way at times. Myself, I'll take a hiatus from editing for a few weeks and start working through a video game or two. That's what works for me.

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Post by genestarwind21122 » Fri Oct 21, 2005 6:52 am

You just feel motivated to keep on working on the project. Also like Icy said it depends on if there is a deadline. If there isn't one take your time and enjoy the project don't stress over it. The minute you stress on a project the less it becomes of a fun thing and more of why can't I finish this darn thing. Need to relax and enjoy the process of creating it. Take your time don't rush your work.

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Post by requiett » Fri Oct 21, 2005 6:56 am

If "YE" can't keep up with the pace
Then just fall flat onto your face
And drop out of the human race.

Your motivation is yours alone.


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