Chaosic Rune Anime?

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Chaosic Rune Anime?

Post by EmilLang1000 » Tue Nov 15, 2005 1:19 am

Has anyone heard whether or not there's going to be an Anime based on the manga?

For those of you who haven't heard of the comic, the only way to fairly describe it is "Death Note meets Yu-Gi-Oh!" The main character, Ryouga, is the only survivor of an horrible plane crash, so horrible in fact, that he can't remember remember anything about it. However, he keeps having horrible dreams about searching for his parents, only to find them being devoured by a demon, leading him to believe that he might have done what everybody accuses him of: murdered everyone on the plane and ate their flesh, even his own parents. A man approaches with the prospect of finding out the truth about the crash, and Ryouga of course goes along with him. The man takes him to a "school" for children like himself, where he is led to a small room with four other young men and each of them given a card. They are told to play a card game using one card each, and to use the cards to kill the other three; that is the only way out of the room.

The boys are dubbed "Card Bearers," and the cards themselves are used to summon, through the Bearer's own body, a "dragon," which will fight the other demons. One man makes quick work of the other two, using a card whose demon can only fit its arms or face through at a time. When attacking Ryouga, the man realizes the immobility it has like that, and forces the demon out. The demon attacks Ryouga, but when the man orders the coup de gras, the demon turns on him and devours him in a bloody display. It's then that Ryouga realizes what he's staring at: the very demon that killed and ate his parents, and everyone else on the plane. The demon says it can only be controlled by someone with "sufficient capacity," and believes Ryouga to be such a person.

When Ryouga tries to find his way out, he encounters another young man, one who cannot count, and apathetically kills those who mock him for this. Then, another person shows up: his schoolmate, Hanaka. The three are told to collect 80 cards each to advance out of the school, or be trapped there until they die. The other man asails Ryouga without a second's pause. It looks at first like he will kill Ryouga with ease; Ryouga, however, can kill him, but to do so means using the demon. But when the man begins to attack Hanaka, Ryouga stops holding back and summons the demon, which then tears the man asunder in a disgustingly bloody display. It's then that Ryouga learns the demon's name: Death Rex, "Destroyer of All Things, Lord of All Dragons."

That's the first five chapters of the first volume. Near as I can tell, there's only 5 volumes out; the comic seems to have been first printed in late 2003 to early 2004, and is still in syndication. Just wondering if anyone else has heard of it, and if there's going to be an anime soon? This looks really cool, especially for a "card-game" manga (it doesn't bother with "traps" or "card combos," "special abilities," strength levels, or even numerical offensive and defensive stats like others of its kind). For those of you who haven't looked at it yet, I suggest it big time.

You can find the translated Manga, at least up to Chapter 29, here at Degree Anime:
You know what they say: "when life gives you a T-Rex, go ninja-kick it in the head." - Rayne Summers, Least I Could Do
Proud to be a Jenova's Witness - WWSD (What Would Sephiroth Do?)


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