[Anime Rockman.Exe] Rockman.Exe - Hell - Opinion Wanted!

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[Anime Rockman.Exe] Rockman.Exe - Hell - Opinion Wanted!

Post by XHunter » Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:45 am

Well this time I decided that another Dark Music Video was in order since my last one "Rockman.Exe - Tourniquet" was a Drama AMV.

This AMV is all about Darkness!

Plantman, Beastman, Dark Rockman, Dark Blues, Beast Out Rockman, Forte, Beast Coronel, this AMV is about them and every evil villian in the Rockman Anime.

anyway I used Vegas 6 to make this so I hope you enjoy it

Download Link
http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... p?v=124369

well anyway I would like to hear what you guys thought about it... (since no one ever leaves me opinions anymore -.-)
Forte: Well now do I get your FULL ATTENTION this time?
Rockman: Absolutely
Forte: How nice

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Post by omegaevolution » Sun Jul 30, 2006 10:28 am

Xhunter you are an idol in the Rockman AMV making and you know that, this AMV has a very good synch, still the dark mood don´t convice me too much, but still the editing was superb, keep making AMVs for us fans of Rockman ^^, oh and definitelly this one needs more atention from guys that haven´t seen the series ;)


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