Ren and Stimpy Background Music

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Ren and Stimpy Background Music

Post by Calvin3 » Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:31 pm

This message is for those who've seen at least these episodes of Ren and Stimpy.

There is a song that I'm looking for, I know how it goes but I just don't know the name of it. So here are the episodes that I've heard this background song :

1. Stimpy's Big Day - during the part when Ren tells Stimpy "Don't you know cartoons will ruin your mind?"

2. Nurse Stimpy - RIGHT after the scene when Ren is taking a sponge bath

3. Black Hole - during the part when Stimpy explains to Ren what inploding means

4. In The Army - Right after Stimpy leaves the tear gas room (Crying)

So if anyone has seen those episodes and know what the song playing in the background of those perticuler scenes is, then contact me.

(Best place to is Wikipedia)


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