If you compress a File......

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If you compress a File......

Post by Bokizzle77 » Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:36 am

If you compress a file and send it to a e-mail...would it work. For example if you compress a copy of sony vegas and sen it by e-mail.

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Post by Minion » Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:48 am

i don't see why the mods don't just allow IBL spam. the threads gonna get closed anyways :/

/not spamming

[MOD: It is in the interest of not lowering our signal-to-noise ratio]

1. IBL spam doesn't help get our attention to the thread, as posting in the mod's drop box would (and i see you did that, ty).
2. one bad thing does not condone another.
3. it's not up to forum members to decide what should be locked and what shouldn't. if a mod decides to allow a topic, it's extra work to remove the ibtl spam posts.]
KioAtWork: I'm so bored. I don't have class again for another half hour.
Minion: masturbate into someones desk and giggle about it for the remaining 28 minutes

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Post by JaddziaDax » Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:02 am

OP, please read the forum rules before you post again.

1. your signature is way too big, and (read #2-3 in the forum specific part)
2. the subject matter of you post is kinda iffy. (read #4 in the first part)


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